Income tax and freedom!


New Member
Bumped up for Med's attempt at brilliance. Have at it Big Guy ...

"We aren't even talking softly, but we sure as hell swing a large stick."

We "talked" softly after the Israeli weight lifting team was murdered at the 1972 Olympics. We "talked" softly after the Marine barracks were bombed in Beriut. We "talked" softly" after the USS Cole was bombed. We "talked" softly after the first Trade Center bombing. When 9-11 occured, we finally realized, and had a president who realized that "talking" softly isn't very effective with religious zealots who want the West dead. You want appeasment Med? Why?



Well-Known Member
that "talking" softly isn't very effective with religious zealots who want the West dead.

we probably didn't use the right tone of voice or something...maybe we should have held hands or something...


New Member
that "talking" softly isn't very effective with religious zealots who want the West dead.

we probably didn't use the right tone of voice or something...maybe we should have held hands or something...
So let me get this straight, You guys think (Oxymoron) that we should kill all middle easterners that aren't christians, Kinda like the crusades, Just wipe them out before they get us. HO, Ho, Ho, you guys are hilarious. Just kill off about 250 Million muslims and the world will be fine. Hitler would be proud of you!


New Member
So let me get this straight, You guys think (Oxymoron) that we should kill all middle easterners that aren't christians, Kinda like the crusades, Just wipe them out before they get us. HO, Ho, Ho, you guys are hilarious. Just kill off about 250 Million muslims and the world will be fine. Hitler would be proud of you!
Dude! You've got to stop puffing on that White Widow. Please point out where anyone has suggested killing 250 million Muslims. Thanks ...



New Member
Dude! You've got to stop puffing on that White Widow. Please point out where anyone has suggested killing 250 million Muslims. Thanks ...

There you go with the homework instructions. It is a surmised estimate that there are about that many radical islamists based on a 2 billion total. You can do the math if you desire, I'd say 10-15% are radicals, and want your head on a stick, Geeze, when I think of it, not such a bad idea, Hmmmm................. Where did you say you lived?~LOL~


Well-Known Member
show an example in history where this "talking" of yours prevented insane psychopaths from killing people.. the talk of 1812, no, that was war....the civil talk, oh yeah, war...the opium talks, nooo, war again...

it sucks but some people won't come to the table med. those radicals will be more likely to step back if they see their buddies turned into ground meat.


New Member
The problem is, folks like Med either don't know history or they ignore it. With no basis in history, one really doesn't know where we've been. Knowledge of the past, combined with present time, gives us a good idea of where we're headed. I keep saying that the thinking of the "Meds" of the world, if realized, will put us right back into the Dark Ages. And, its the Dark Ages where the Islamic Extremists would have us reside.

Again, I would suggest that all read Ayn Rand's "Anthem." Substitute the "leaders" in Anthem for the Ayatollas and Mullahs who are leading radical Islam and you'll see what their true agenda is.



Well-Known Member
i agree completely Vi, they call stuff "new" and "liberal" but it's really old hat, it's failed old crap that they rehash.

talk, dimplomacy, those are the same people that have those kids screaming and whaling in the grocery store checkout...they have no clue how people work or how to set limits.


New Member
i agree completely Vi, they call stuff "new" and "liberal" but it's really old hat, it's failed old crap that they rehash.

talk, dimplomacy, those are the same people that have those kids screaming and whaling in the grocery store checkout...they have no clue how people work or how to set limits.
And you are lumping me in with those people and wonder why I call you assholes? Do you think I've never read history books? I'm so far ahead of you "assholes That you'll not catch up in this lifetime. Do I recognize the fact that the world is a waring society, Hell Yeah. Go I wish it wasn't, Hell yeah, so what do you guy have for a solution, More war. I suggest talking to our enemys and you call me Naive. It is the ignorant mindset of assholes like you guys that promote war and destruction and will be the annihilation of mankind. By deeming all people that are different from us enemys, you have set the stage for never ending war, thus the war planet. With idiots like you guys in charge there will never be peace. There is no profit in peace. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
people who are different are fine med, we're all diff. it's the ones who want to kill us that i have a prob with...


New Member
Med ...

If you really have such a tight grasp on history, why are you still spouting communist dogma?



New Member
people who are different are fine med, we're all diff. it's the ones who want to kill us that i have a prob with...
Me too! You can't just start Bombing a country based on these idiots intelligence, Bushco and Intelligence are oxymorons, heavy on the morons. What is wrong with talking to their leaders. Why not start a propaganda program letting the people of Iran know that we don't hate them and are not trying to annihilate them. Killing innocents for profit is reprehensible, but is being done as we speak.


Well-Known Member
talking to leaders who smile while holding a baseball bat behind their back sounds like the naive imaginings of a flower child lost in the psychedelic ascents of a 10 strip med...

we have to talk to them indirectly for now; let them earn a spot at the table by ending their support for terrorists killing civilians, stopping illegal nuclear programs, stuff like that..


New Member
talking to leaders who smile while holding a baseball bat behind their back sounds like the naive imaginings of a flower child lost in the psychedelic ascents of a 10 strip med...

we have to talk to them indirectly for now; let them earn a spot at the table by ending their support for terrorists killing civilians, stopping illegal nuclear programs, stuff like that..
Not true. If we give them respect by holding high level talks and making our presence felt, we can reign in the terrorists. If we offered some carrots on a stick to lead them away from hateful reprisals (the official leaders), I believe we could stem the tide of terrorism. After all, they want recognition, they want control of their countries and they want us out of the middle East. If the people of Iran (The majority) could elect a secular government, they would do so willingly. A secular Government would have to take control of the Mullahs and tame the radicals. This might take years, but by ignoring them and making threats, we are making it worse!


Well-Known Member
iran's people will not be able to have a secular gvnmnt, the islamic revolution insured that. they will have to have another bloody revolution and throw out the concept of the ayatolla.

they could get a seat at the table right now, today, if they stood up against violence in the middle east as a way to further their cause. they arm and train too many radicals to even consider them (Iran) a potential tablemate. therefor, they must sit on the sidelines and accept what we, the civilized world, decide to give them...


New Member
iran's people will not be able to have a secular gvnmnt, the islamic revolution insured that. they will have to have another bloody revolution and throw out the concept of the ayatolla.

they could get a seat at the table right now, today, if they stood up against violence in the middle east as a way to further their cause. they arm and train too many radicals to even consider them (Iran) a potential tablemate. therefor, they must sit on the sidelines and accept what we, the civilized world, decide to give them...
I'm confused, we the civilized world, you mean the ones that drop bombs from 35,000 feet and use cluster bombs, napalm and other horrific weapons on civilians, yeah, we're really civilized. It seems you've led a sheltered life. sometime step up to the real world and read about what horrific things the United States have done in the name of Freedom.
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Well-Known Member
ok, do you need me to send you pics of gassed kurds, kids blown up by martyr attacks, 9/11, USS cole, Nigerian embassy, 3/11 madrid, london, raped children. it's all the fault of the US isn't it med? we "made" them so evil with our foreign policy didn't we? the US is a terrible place isn't it med...we caused all the problems in the world but if we just had a dem president it would all be ok...


New Member
ok, do you need me to send you pics of gassed kurds, kids blown up by martyr attacks, 9/11, USS cole, Nigerian embassy, 3/11 madrid, london, raped children. it's all the fault of the US isn't it med? we "made" them so evil with our foreign policy didn't we? the US is a terrible place isn't it med...we caused all the problems in the world but if we just had a dem president it would all be ok...
Again, 2 wrongs dont make a right, 3rd grade logic! You are being sarcastic and won't look at the damage we (USA) have done to others. We my friend, are not the innocents you percieve. All the damage we've done world wide was done in the name of freedom. Freedom from communism, freedom from marxism, freedom for S. Vietnamese, Freedom for Iraqis, etc.. It is the largest bowl of crap ever foisted on the world. We are "fighting for Iraqis freedom" while quashing our own freedoms at home. The Irony is abundant. Can not you see this?


Well-Known Member
yeah, i know we are just "the enemy" to the other side...i'm fine with that status too. they are the ones bringing this madness to us, they started it in the 70s and they keep getting worse.

someone, something will always stand in opposition to a system like ours, a system where men and women are given a chance to be more.


New Member
yeah, i know we are just "the enemy" to the other side...i'm fine with that status too. they are the ones bringing this madness to us, they started it in the 70s and they keep getting worse.

someone, something will always stand in opposition to a system like ours, a system where men and women are given a chance to be more.
It's not the people of the USA, it's the Military industrial complex that has been gaining strength since the 50s.