Increasing Veg what to do?


Active Member
Hey everyone, newbie hoping for some assistance....

So after spending a significant amount of time and trying to learn the ins and outs for most of these seemingly easier questions, I can see that my current grow which is 2 plants grown from seed, who have spend most of their life outside in good full sun... aren't looking in a way I'd want them too...
they appear healthy ( minor burning on lower leafs or possible pest ). However their stretching out like crazy... the distance between the nodes is fairly intense since these guys are almost 2 ft tall...

It seems for a good yield you'd obviously want more veg growth ( bushier ). mines all height.... I've been thinking should I top it and go from where I'm at and try to increase it? or just take some clones and try and grow them correctly...?

I'm really unsure how best to approach the situation... there will be some stress in their lives in about a month to say the least... ( everyones lease is up and will need a new home... a couple days at a friends house at least )

Just trying to think ahead... is topping really the way to go to end up with the beautiful bushy plants I see on here? how many times does one usually top a plant if they choose to do so....?

I know its alot of questions, but any help would be appreciated...!!

Thanks everyone heres a picture taken a day ago....



Well-Known Member
If you leave them outside, top them and burry them in the ground. I really don't see any branches you could cut for clones. What kind of soil is that? Maybe burry them in better soil. But topin them will make them get bushier.


Active Member
damn, well that sucks... guess I dont really have an option do I...
top both of em? the soil is good its just picked up debris from being outside... how deep should I burry em? how far back will it set up? any guesses


Active Member
sorry thought maybe I'd post and bump it, maybe get alittle bit of additional advice if anybody is willing :)