Incredibly Stupid Things That Happen at Work!


Well-Known Member
Shit happens to me A L L T H E F U C K I N G T I M E ! ! ! I'm such a level headed person at all other times, but I get so fucking mad sometimes at the ridiculous shit I see take place at my work! The only thing that keeps me there is the paycheck and benefits.

Fuck.. OK, so I work in a coffee shop. You would not fucking believe how many times a day I have to say the phrase "...what size?"! No joke. Before I started working in this kind of job, I had no clue myself, but people must be mentally fucking retarded. They'll order their drink by just saying the name, that's it, not the size. This shit blows my mind, it's akin to going to McDonalds and saying "can I get a hamburger?..."! Like WTF?! NOT ONLY THAT! GET THIS SHIT!! Multiple drinks right... "let me get a _____"..."...ok, what size?" "...medium.... aaaand a _____" "...o..k, what size?" "uhhh....large... and one ______, that's it."... "........!!!!!what SIZE!?" OOOOOMMMMMFFFFFFGGGGG!

"Let me get a ______"...."ok, what size??" "....regular" DICK!

Or people who order with NO FUCKIN breaks between drinks! Holy shit! IDIOTS!! "Can I get a _______ and a ________ and a _______...aaaand a _________" (meanwhile I'm in the back not even typing these shits in the computer, most likely stoned, having to remember allllll the little details for each goddamn drink! DUUUMB ASS!

People who order shit at the window of the drive through! OMFG make the shit take even longer!

I had this lady today tell me her drink was wrong, I asked her what it was, went back and remade it, brought it back and she said it was wrong again, this time she repeated the same thing, except said it was hot! One time, this DUUUUMB ass person made me do that 3 times!

People who insist they know my job better than me.

People who leave messes. Like wtf? Don't you have any goddamn manners? They'll just leave trash right on top of the table..

MORONS who say shit like "do you have any (pastry)?" "uhh, hold on, let me check (walk 30 ft away to check if we have what they want...) yeah.." "....OK, let me get 6 of them" FUCK! OMFGBBQ!!@! YOU ASKED IF WE HAD ANY, NOT 6!

What else...

This is just with the customers... the coworkers makes us another 30% of this equation...

Feel free to vent about retarded shit that happens to you or you witness at work... should be interesting to read!


Active Member
Im so glad I dont work at Arbys anymore for that reason. Tho, I never worked drivethru, I could hear what the customer was saying thru the speakers, and I can relate to this somewhat.

What I hated, is when we would have a huge order(say 10 reg rbs) and then after I make 5, working on the rest, they are like oh wait I meant to say juniors. That happened more than you would think.

Good luck man, maybe find a new job? Or at least keep an eye open.


Well-Known Member
The level of stupid shit you have to put up with is directly corraleted with where it is you work......For instance working in a coffee shop I can see the shit being so deep its over your head. Vs being say a full time bikini contest judge....or oil boy for the ladies volleyball team.....Not much bullshit with that at least you wouldn't notice.