Inda-gro Induction...


Well-Known Member
I heard they tried and tried to get an igrow shot for the article but none of the plants would cooperate. Not even in photoshop! They pretty much had to go with the IG. :lol:

Pondering monkey face! LMAO thanks for that!


Well-Known Member
Did you read that dudes comment at the bottom of the article. Basically led is only successful in small grows but not large grows. That makes zero sense. If any lighting is successful at any grow. It will work at any size grow. You just need more lights. 1000w can grow a 4x4 good but not an 8x8. Hence adding more lights ..... Some people just don't have common sense or they don't use logic.


Well-Known Member
So right. But remember the politics the author is dealing with from upstairs. There are alot of hood and HID lamp mfg's who keep the lights on at HT. Read between the lines though and you'll see he actually makes your point by simply posting the IG pictures which DID replace 12 thouie's in that room. If he blasts HID the article never see's the light of day.

Mr John

Active Member
Almost went with I-Grow, so glad I took my time and read up on the differences! .I mean the I-Grow isn't horrible or anything, but the Inda-grow is the better choice.


Well-Known Member
For your viewing pleasure. Went to check about an hour after I started this brew and saw this, lol.

btw, this is for my outside plants.

View attachment 2957153

Have an issue.

I veg under the IG 200 and flower under the IG 420 w/ pontoon.

About 3 days after moving from veg to flower I start seeing this.


Closest pics I can find online are light burn pics. But I have leaves 4 inches from the IG 420 and they are fine.

Could this be lack of nutes? Moving from IG 200 to IG 400, more light so they want more nutes?

Everything looks great in veg (mothers are great under the IG 200) and this is the only issue I have in flower.


Mr John

Active Member
Hmmmm only four inches? I have my ladies 20 inches away. It sure looks like light damage to me. That brew looks sick and healthy! If you don't find pests I would move the light away, the 420 puts out!

I am afraid of moving the 420 any closer, You folks think I should try to move the light closer? Will it help make bigger flowers/buds??? Or things are growing great right now, should I leave alone?


Well-Known Member
mine is 14 inches in flower and 18 inches in veg and no burn. that doesn't look like light bleaching. I agree on the thrips diagnosis. or possibly white fly larvae. they hatch on the underside of leaves. dr. bronners lavender soap and peppermint soap in a foliar will get rid of them. spray everyother day for a week or til they are gone for good. It shouldn't take longer than a week.


Well-Known Member
Just to follow up....

Had my brother look with a 30x, no bugs :)

Tested my water runoff, 1500 ppm:wall:

Surprised since I only use organic nutes and tea.

Under the IG 420 w/ pontoon the temp is 75 f. I have an oscillating fan in there.

The girls grow up to about 4" away from the light and start praying to their induction God :)

Thx all.


Well-Known Member
Damn flax, what strain is that? My space bombs let me know pretty quick when they get that close to the light that they are not digging it regardless of my room temp.
Thought ppm didnt mean much when it comes to organics. Though it was more of a way to keep track of how many salts you are putting into the soil? Suppose a high ppm on runoff like that is still no bueno.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ well good you figured out the issue, better safe than sorry

Nice garden btw and I agree about the proximity of the induction bulbs usually don't cause an issue in the winter:P

keep it up


Well-Known Member
Damn flax, what strain is that?
In the 2nd pic, from left to right, Sour Diesel, Chronic and Northern Lights. The NL is leaning over it's so heavy, have to re-stake it.

Thought ppm didnt mean much when it comes to organics. Though it was more of a way to keep track of how many salts you are putting into the soil? Suppose a high ppm on runoff like that is still no bueno.
I thought the same thing, which is why I never bothered to check.

But I have been feeding organic nutes + tea once a week. And I recently started using Humic and Fulvic acids which probably made the nutes more available. Which is good cause now I can use less nutes.

It's all a learning process for us nooooooooooobs :)


Well-Known Member
The next gen of lil swingkid haze auto affro mutt line.
(she was crossed to my nycd haze auto last)

Nycd auto haze week 2 flower
3 ft tall , getting trics already.
A auto that delivers yield!!!
cant wait to see her Finnish...