Indica/Sativa mix seedlings week 1


I started off intially with Black berry kush seeds and sativa/ind mix but the 2 BBk sadly did not make it. I will probably germ the rest of the black berry and start them off again. These pictures are of the ind/sat mix. WP_20130327_001.jpgWP_20130327_010.jpgWP_20130327_013.jpg
This is on day five, the tallest one was leaning and I got slightly worried, but I was in a rush so I disinfected a bobbie pin with alcohol, and stuck it right by the plant but not too deep. It seemed to help. Im using Led s right now, I will be purchasing different lights and I may or may not continue with leds, or I may mix them. The ones in soil are in Miracle Grow seed start , but when I move them to their big pots in a week or so Ill be using foxfarm or root s organic soil.
These pictures are day seven
This is day 7 from being in soil. The ones in the white container are the one I had a bobbie pin holding up and the one beside it in the earlier picturesWP_20130328_027.jpg. Half are in soil mix and the others I started in little peat moss seed starting things.


Hey guys, I def wont be posting daily. But I did just take a few so its day 8 for most..a couple of the shorter ones are one there day 7. How do you think they look for basically the end of the first week?.WP_20130330_015.jpgWP_20130330_016.jpgWP_20130330_010.jpgWP_20130329_003.jpgWP_20130329_004.jpgWP_20130329_008.jpgWP_20130329_011.jpgWP_20130330_016.jpg

Its okay to comment guys...


Soon if not this weekend I will get the larger pots this upcoming week and make the switch. Does any one have any recommendations on organic fertilizers that work. I was going to go to my local hydroponic shop texas hydroponics so Im not going to have online options available..Well Id just rather not wait, I do like shopping online. Ive been looking up on a couple..Who grows organically??


I wanted to know if the babies look stretchy.. its the weekend Im bored , so I snapped away..despite me previously saying i wouldnt.But Im still wondering if they are okay or stretching .Today they are 9 and 10 days from soil.

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Hey I would keep the light closer at first so they don't stretch. Then eventually move it further away as is bush's out. Are you also a noob?