indoor 400w mh. 1 seed 1 plant stealth


Well-Known Member
ok so here is the outlines of my little experiment:

It started when I found a singal seed I recieved when i asked a co worker to bum enough herb for a spliff. At once I rescued it from being rolled and smoked. Placed it in a damp paper towel to germinate, this was on Nov. 25, 2008.

It is now Dec. 11, 2008 in the dead of winter in CANADA. My out building reached temps below -25*C. But the heat from a 400w Mh and a small space heater kept my baby around +30*C and 45% humidity.

My little (fingers crossed) girl is now 15 days old take a look>>>>.....:weed:



Well-Known Member
look good and healthy...-25 shit...I hate that...I live in Canada aswell and still havent recieved temps like that yet...but this weekend it will be ass.

Good luck and keep us updated:weed:


Well-Known Member
yup it was -29*C with windchill this monday in ottawa. anyway now that my buzz has wore off i will get more to the point.

My grow box is 2.5x2.5X8.5ft. Ive got it divided with an uppper and lower chamber. Lower is 3ft tall and upper is 5.5ft tall. the pics are of the lower veg chamber with 1 400w mh. 1 small heater and 2 water dishes for humidity. temp is steady at +30*C and humidity is around 40-45% before i added second dish a couple of hours ago. i am hoping this will bring hum up over 50%.

How am I doing ppl???

18days veg

PS I am working on getting a supply of seeds to get this grow rolling in a sustainable fashion. Hoping to get a harvest every 2 months........??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
o i forgot to say that the first to pics are from today about 2 hours ago and the last one was from yesterday around the same time 24hrs ago.....LOOK at the growth of the inner leaves in 24hrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WILD


Well-Known Member
You should take a couple cuttings inside and try to clone it in case something happens with it out there. Plus if it turns out to be female then you can keep cloning it forever and not need another seed ever if it turns out to be good.

I'm guessing you must have the light on 24/7 to keep the plant from freezing? So you're not flowering until it warms up or going to add a heater or what?


Well-Known Member
the lower chamber is on 24/7 and the small black box on the left is a space heater on a thermostat set at 25*C . i plan to have my clones in the lower section on 24/7 with light sealed vents in to the upper flowering chamber to provide heat during nighttime.


Well-Known Member
so mine are ready to top at a foot at least. i have about 8 or 9 nodes on one and its got prob 100 to 200 leafs on it. its in a five galon under a flro and 300 watts of three 100 watt hps lamps will this be a good thing to do? cause ill go pinch the top growth right now.


Well-Known Member
yes i reccomend topping as early as possible it slows veg slightly but increases yeild vastly. when i say 3rd fan leaves i mean 3rd node. i personally like the most amount of buds taking up the least amount of space instead of long stringy plants/buds, i cant wait till i get a couple of clones and get a harvest out of this lil sucker


Well-Known Member
oh and for 1 plant that lighting is great as long as u control the temperature i wouldnt even use the fluro on top of the 3 100w hps use the fluro for cloning or sprouting once they on the 3rd or 4th set of leaves top em and put em under the hps


Well-Known Member
Oh man we put sooooo much effort into this shit i would personally never ever plant just one. I go with 15 or so and hope to get a few fems


Well-Known Member
yup i topped the third set of full fan leaves i beleive topping as soon as possible is the best way to get a lil bush>.....:( dont know if its female yet ...I know 1 plant is a waste for a 400w mh but that lil one is just for fun so i got sumthing in my grow box for now... i have a film case of seeds coming from a friend and will get a good perpetual grow going asap but i will be putting it into flower by next weekend then once i know if its female or not ill take some clones just to fill my grow box so my mother is not so lonely. check out my updates in my journal...