Indoor growing: Where do you keep the leaves that you trim off

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i'll put them in a paper bag then drop that in the garbage. i don't think the dea is investigating dumpsters, but no reason to put a transparent garbage bag full of leaves in the dumpster to get noticed by the mouth breathers picking up the garbage, the mouth breathers that know all the city cops.


Well-Known Member
I just let them dry out and crumble them back into my soil, don't have to worry about throwing them in the trash and it adds some nutrients to the soil.


Well-Known Member
I put mine in the trash with all the rest of the house hold trash. Normally in with old food, used cat litter or dog poop. Also only dispose on trash pick up day. Not too concerned about it but i take simple steps to conceal wastes.


Well-Known Member
You flush everything down the toilet, in small amounts at a time, after cutting it up in smaller bits. You don't put a big pile in and then flush, you flush and then gradually pour the stuff in as it's flushing so it doesn't plug up. Good to let leaf dry a bit first to reduce the bulk. If you freeze them in a plastic bag you can just crush them up by squeezing the bag instead of cutting them up. Stalks require cutting though, into sections about 1" long, then you flush them too. If it's fat stems you have to split them into small enough parts to be able to cut.

Taking weed waste anywhere outside the home is risky and therefore foolhardy, if not in a state that Obama ordered the DEA not to do their job in. If you really want to make sure you don't plug the drain you can grind the shit up into a smoothy and pour it down that way, at least the leaf.


Well-Known Member
I like to make smoothies with them and because some hippy said its good for me PLUS i get to have green shits:weed:
Yeah I guess you could actually drink the leaf smoothy instead of dumping it. The stalks would still be a problem though, and that's where the cutting up into 1" sections and flushing comes in. There is no other use for stalks at all, unless you want to try to make some rope.