

Active Member
Just wondering if anyone else is using multiple techniques. I have a two plants in fiber that are usually kept around a hydro-bucket and adequite lighting- that i move outside in the morning and leave out most of the day. At first they wilted a bit untill i'd bring them in and now they can't seem to get enough of the intense SoCal sun... They are females at different stages: a 6in white widow at 2 weeks and a ft long granddaddypurp vegged about 60 days from a clone. I just started to give the G.D. Purp some darkness... i know its hard to say, but can anybody provide some vision as to how the outcome might be? think its ready?- i appreciate whatever input...

[email protected]



Active Member
plants like consistency so bringing it in and out will cause some shock if you are diligent about it and provide the most consistent light possible then there would only be minimal "shock". You have never seen a plant grow like it will in sunlight but the plant has a range of homeostasis and any change in the plants daily routine will cause a change in the internal environment thus causing the plant to waste energy keeping the homeostatic range in check. ( a plant can grow up to 6 inches in one day ) At the same time the system wont adapt unless you challenge it but the light source is not a good way to work out your plant that system is highly sensitive. Temperature, humidity and tinsel strength properly altered at the correct time are great ways to have a bigger stronger plant. As far as light, more the marry is not always correct it should read more, and consistent... This is especially true with the dark periods. Possible scenarios your plants leaf to bud ratio is negatively affected because of inconstant light or if you bring it out everyday at the same time bring it in at the same time your plant could befit for natural light source.


Active Member
hey thanks for the info- i think i pretty much understand, still there isn't much shock, just a daily routine- unless its cloudy and cold, its pretty much outside... so that way the dark period is completely uninterrupted.