Indoor Perpetual Closets


Well-Known Member
Figured it was about time to post some pics of my setup. This grow is setup between both parts of a duplex. Vegging and cloning are done in one, flowering and drying are done in the other, all in closets.

I'll discuss the veg room in this post, and the flower room in the next.

As you will see in my next post about the flowering room, we have space for 6 plants in 5 gallon buckets and space for 15-25 clones in a soil sog (recent upgrade, waiting for the first batch of clones to root). I have two DIY cloners for a total of 20 simultaneous clones (thinking of building another 12 site, but am low on space). In the pics the 12 current clones have 2 26w CFL's, waiting on a replacement ballast for a 250w mh, and new bulbs for a dual tube 30" t5ho, so one of them is going to replace the CFL's for the clones. I also have a commercial air pump being delivered tomorrow to replace a crappy walmart one on there now. Once the new pump gets here I'll be able to get that smaller cloner going, as well as add several more (it's a beefy pump :D).

The main veg area is 4'x2' (area capable of holding plants), with a 4' 8-tube T5ho with alternating 6500k and 2700k bulbs. Right now I have three orange crush (one was just heavily cut for clones), 2 killing fields, 1 hericules, 1 harijuana/big-white, 1 blue-berry sativa, and 1 clone of unknown genetics but who's mother produced some great smoke. Those three sprouts are another killing fields, hericules, and blue-berry sative. The only that aren't feminized are the orange crush and blue-berry sativa. This is the first batch under the new T5's. I was previously vegging under a 250w MH. This new light is awesome! I also fim everything at 3 or 4 true nodes.

This veg chamber is in a walk-in closet. I used blackout curtain material to section off the back half. I have an 8" fan in the attic pulling ~700 cfm through the area, as well as the oscillating fan pictured. Before anyone says anything about the MG bags, those are actually holding our own soil mix. Since we use so much more soil for flowering the ingredients we use are stored over there in bulk and I just use those bags to store what is needed for veg :) Also, as soon as I finish cutting up the orange crush for clones, most of those sannies genetics will move from the 1 gallon to two gallon pots which they'll stay in till there is room for them in the flowering room. Oh, on schedule, I basically go 24/0, however, right now I have cut it back slightly to slow growth till I can cannibalize the rest of the orange crush (they are growing too fast). I never change a light schedule by more than 60 minutes in a 24 hour period, I try to adjust by 30 min increments per day till the cycle is where I want it.

I'm sure there's tons more I could say (like I water 5 cycles with fish emulsion, mag/iron/cal, and adjust PH down slightly with vinegar, then water with 0 tds and nothing but ph adjustment for 1 cycle), but I can't think of much more that might be interesting to people, so feel free to ask questions! I think I'll let people post in this thread to your hearts content, and just link/date update posts I make in these first two posts :)


Well-Known Member
Alright, so a little history. What you see flowering right now is our second crop in this operation. Both of us involved have grown before, once before this together, but this time has evolved into a much more sophisticated op than anything either of us have done before. We started out with quite a stockpile of bagseed from the top batches we'd seen come through town.

Our first batch wasn't bad, but was under half the light that we now have. We also started with no ventilation, and had major heat issues. Our yield was disappointing, and the potency was around mid-grade.
Our second crop we had gotten the temps under control, however we were still running the single 400w mh. Toward the end of the grow one of the plants popped two hermie flowers in back and they went unnoticed till we realized they were all growing seed. We yanked them, and they are still in curing jars with premie seeds... We might just make oil out of them...

What we yanked got replaced with what we had in veg at the time, which meant we put to flower two immature plants, and a third which hit maturity, but I had been LSTing, and was still on the small side. These three are the plants in the front row, and as you can see, all 3 are very small. The plant in the center back is part of the second crop but was too early to get pollinated with the others, and is going to be harvested in 2 days. He is the last plant vegged before our veg closet was upgraded significantly, and you can tell from how spindly he is (though a lot of that is also that he is ready to harvest and has dropped most of his fan leaves). The right and left on the back row are clones of the back middle. they spent about 30% of their veg before the major upgrades, and 70% of the time after upgrades. They already are obviously going to put their parent to shame, much more leaf structure, many more bud sites, and 2-3 times the bud growth in the same time flowering. What is in the flower room right now represents the last of our use of bagseed (everything in veg now are sannies and California medical genetics), as well as the last of the plants to spend part (or all) of their lives before our major upgrades.

This is the room. It is all of the closet except the top of that shelf at the very top. The floor is 4'x2.5', and the shelf is the same area. We have the ability to raise the lights up to 5' above the shelf, which is (I think) over 7' above the floor. The door has the intake and outlet cut into the lower section. Both are covered with a grill on the outside, and light tight due to the curves in the ducting on the door. A small chest sits obstructing it so it's stealthy. We drilled into the wall to get power without it being obvious, and also ran the ballasts through the wall so they sit under a sofa.

This is the front left plant. He is one of the ones who was moved down premature, and is tiny. It's unlikely he will break 3 grams. What is there is probably the frostiest in the closet right now. While I type this I realize I actually have a clone of him in the veg room, so technically I still have one plant left that grew up before we upgraded (though his life as a clone has been entirely post upgrade). I'm kinda glad I ended up cloning him, even though he is bag seed, this tiny plant shows a lot of strong signs of high potency.

This is the front center plant. He was the only plant brought down, to replace the pollinated ones, which was mature. He was still rather small, but I had started trying a new method of LST/topping, which I had hoped would lead to a menorah looking plant. It looks like it was working fairly well, but I didn't get enough time to finish, so it is still on the small side. I estimate it'll give 7 grams eventually.

This is the front right. Again, he was premature, and is very small. The genetics did not respond well to 12/12 before maturity, and looks like crap. Not much else to say about him, glad I didn't clone it, and I only bothered to take one pic.

This is the back left. He is one of the two clones from the back middle plant. He is the best looking plant in flower right now. Judging by the plant he is a clone of, I expect to easily break 2 oz off this one. This guy and the other clone on the back right were my first experience with fimming. Since then I have fimmed another 12 plants, and have it down pretty well.

This is the back middle. It's the last of the second crop, and the only one of that crop who escaped pollination. She was actually kinda a runt, and vegged for over 3 months. Despite this, she has developed great buds. Two weeks ago she was at 10% amber trichs, and we estimated she would be ready to harvest last friday. However on friday she had reverted to 40% clear/60% cloudy, and I was hard pressed to find even a hint of amber. She also started a whole new round of growth leading to the cattail crown you see around many of the colas. As of tonight she is back to 10% amber, and unless she reverts I will probably isolate her tomorrow, and harvest after 30-36 hours of dark.

This is the back right, and was also a clone from the plant in the back middle. She didn't respond to rooting as well as her sister, and never was quite as full. Despite this, she has a fair number of great tops, and a good structure for light access. If she doesn't give 2 oz, it'll be close.

At this point we are running a 400w mh and 400w hps. Both are using hortilux or some such similar grow light. Both are on 6" air cooled hoods. We are semi limited in space, especially for a semi-stealth intake/exhaust, so we got a 6" fan and ran it through both hoods and out the door. The air going into the hood is drawn from the room, so it gives air exchange and hood cooling. The ballasts are located outside the room. The tops of the plants run 80-82f when the lights are on at the height they are at now. You can see the shelf behind the current plants where the SoG is going to go. the ducting is going to need to be modified, and the fan will most likely get moved to the right (mounted below the shelf like it is now). The box fan will probably get hung to the side of or above the lights. On the subject of the fan, we really need an oscillating fan (or two) mounted on the wall, but the recent upgrades represented a chunk of investment, and we're going to make sure we have everything we have to have nailed down before we blow the remainder of our budget to improve some of the existing stuff :) In flower we use Alaska brand bloom formula, mag/iron/cal, and we start out with fish emulsion and taper it off over 4-6 weeks (depending on flower period). I forgot to mention before, but all water used is RO/DI @ 0 TDS. To this we add nutrients and distilled white vinegar to lower the PH slightly (we run with a soil PH of 6.5). typically we will cut off all nutrients and give pure water (though we still adjust PH down to 6.5) for 2-3 weeks before we harvest (we shoot for two, but often turns out to be 3).

And that's basically it!
Again, feel free to ask questions, give feedback, or just say hi!


Well-Known Member
cool :) hope you enjoy it :) I end up pretty busy, but hope to give at least a brief update every week or two, and probably a post for harvesting.

One thing, we mix genetics a lot, and nothing ever finishes at the same time, so we basically replace every plant we harvest within a day from the veg, and just consistently keep 6 in there. We have yet to harvest more than one plant in a week, it's all just by plant. The sog is going to be quite a bit more uniform, but I'm still a week or two from rooting and moving to flower.


Well-Known Member
Didn't get any pictures, but got a lot done today. New air pump came in. Thing runs both my cloners, and a protein skimmer (piece of aquarium filtration, which uses a lot of air), with room to add another 12 site cloner if I could ever figure out where to put it :) Filled up my second cloner for a total of 20 clones to kick off our first shot at a SoG, which eliminated one mother from my veg area. I also stuck the girl who was done in the flower room into a closet for 30 hours of dark before I clip her tomorrow. Subsequently I moved the largest orange crush from veg to flower, and the thing seriously puts even the best looking plants that were in there to shame. It's the first plant to spend its whole life in the new system, and I think it'll be representative of what we can expect from here on out. These first 2-3 plants that move down won't have vegged the full 2-2.5 months however (this guy vegged for 4-5 weeks), so it won't be quite as tall as future plants, but I doubt I'll be able to improve much on the density. I'll try to remember to take pictures tomorrow :)

Having moved two plants out of veg, I transplanted everything in veg but the smallest from 1 gallon pots to 2 gallon pots (1 orange crush, 2 killing fields, 1 blue-berry sativa, 1 hericules, 1 herijuana/big-white). They were all root-bound by the 3rd week of veg. This is a good sign, since under my old veg lights they weren't even close to root-bound by 1.5-2 months veg. There's a lot more room and everything looks a lot happier.


Well-Known Member
I keep not having a chance to take pictures (going to try to remember my camera tonight to get some flower room pics at least).

Since last update I harvested the one that was ready, and tonight we are harvesting another of the smaller ones. Also an Orange Crush was male, so he got replaced with the other OC (which has preflowered and is female), and the blueberry sativa (the last plant of unknown sex). That leaves a clone from bagseed which turned out to be quite potent, 2 killing fields fem, 1 hercules fem, and the harijuana/big-white fem. Veg has a lot more room now, and the plants that are left are quickly filling it up. The sprouts (another hericulese, killing fields, and bbs) will move to 1 gal's in the next few days. For the next crop or two we should be able to go completely from clones taken before flowering, and clones from the 3 sprouts. We'll be a bit into next year before we add new genetics I suspect.

The harvested plant yielded 14 grams which was dry as of last night, so it was a little disappointing, but this was the last plant to spend most of his time before our upgrades, so we expected the yield to be lower than what is coming up. We hope to get closer to an oz per plant from the two oldest clones in flower (revised after seeing this yield from their parent), and everything after that (the stuff that has spent its whole life after our upgrades) we hope to get closer to 2 oz per plant. Lets hope my speculation turns out to be true :) The potency made up for the smaller yield though, and exceeded both of our expectations. It's quite a pleasure to smoke :) There is room for improvement (and we plan on improving in this department as well), but this is by far the most potent I have grown before, and easily on par with the best stuff we see come through town.


Well-Known Member
So I apologize for the lack of updates. Things just don't move fast in this hobby...

Since I last updated we have harvested all the small 'placeholder' plants and replaced them with proper, mature, genetics (didn't bother updating, but they were each around 5 grams, not really even worth mentioning, though the potency was better than expected)). Today we harvested the last two of the plants which were raised under the old lighting system (the OK sized clones), so from here on out we're looking at much larger harvests. We'll see where our guesses were at, we guessed just under an oz from one, and just over an oz from the other. The next crop we guessed at somewhere between 2-3 oz per plant (other than the OC which we know will be a bit lower). Time will only tell if our estimates on the next crop were even in the ballpark :D

One thing I can say for sure, five of the next six to get harvested are going to be significantly larger on yield. Not only are they proper genetics, which has made a remarkable difference compared to the bagseed, but the size of these plants is easly twice (and I think I can safely say 2/3 again) the size of anything else we've grown. The new light upgrade on the veg end meant that we were flowering plants to around 3-4 feet. This is huge compared to the 20-24 inch plants we've had in the past. The new plants also have gone into flower with 7-12 tops, and a great deal of under-tops (one I counted today had 6 of them). Everything till now have been 4 tops and much less dense growth achieved in veg. Still, having veged longer than 1 month on a few of these, I had to continually top them just to keep them from growing into the light, which long ago had reached full height. Suffice it to say, we are quite pleased, and expect to be producing more than we currently smoke as soon as the first of those harvest start rolling in at the end of january.

On with the pictures!

Two bagseed clones harvested today. No idea on the weight yet, but where we're down to around a gram there's a good chance a few of those smaller buds will get microwaved and only half or less gets a proper cure begore we smoke it. Either way, hope it lasts us the ~25 days till the OC gets chopped :)

Full closet. Back left is killing fields purple phenom, back center is lavender/blueberry sativa, back right is a killing fields green phenom. Front left is harijuana/big-white, front center is orange crush, front right is hericules. I apologize that it's so hard to tell each plant apart. Stuff got too big :)

Pictures all over! Sorry for lack of descriptions. Half of those have been in flower less than a week (two just moved down last night), and haven't really started flowering yet. The other three have been flowering 4 weeks. The OC has another 3-4 weeks, the killing fileds and lav/bbs have around 7-8 weeks left.

Close Up's. Though the purple phenom is the more common in the feminized killing fileds (and from what I hear slightly less potent than the green), I still can't help but love the way those buds look. The contrast next to the lav/bbs, which is the lightest green I've seen in a plant, is remarkable. The green killing fields phenom has an incredibly dank smell to it; it literally is synonymous with dank in my mind. The purple, though, has a smell completely unlike anything I have smelled before. It start out almost woody. The closest thing I could place to it was sandalwood, not for the specifics of the scent, but for the almost dry feeling they give my sinuses. As it has matured, however, it has begun to develop a fruity edge, which combined with the woody smell has almost become a sweet spice. I look forward to tasting this plant more than any I have grown to date! Also, I have always wondered why california orange, and more specifically, orange crush, was named that. I have bought bags of both and really couldn't find much citrus in odor or taste. Now that I've grown it, there's no question why; the growing buds smell overpoweringly like over-ripe oranges. I'm curious how long into dry/cure it retains this odor, and how the fresh taste is going to be :)

You can't see it but behind those six plants on the ground, there are two trays with a total of 11 orange crush clones on the shelf in back. 7 more harijuana/big-white clones are a few days away from coming down. The orange crush was our first shot at doing a counter-top sog to maximize our space usage. Most of the OC clones are doing well, however they are a little more shaded by the larger plants, and I suspect we'll have to raise them in the next few days. At this point the sog is still new, and we're doing a little experimenting with it while I try to dial it in better. I suspect our second and third crop will be more indicative of what we can expect from it in the future. At this point, with really no experience to base it on, I don't want to forecast the yield from the 11 current clones. They will get harvested around 4-5 weeks from now. Though we expect their harvest to be on the smaller side, it should give us enough of a starting point to start predicting what we might see out of it in the future :)

On the veg end, some of the replacements have been started (mainly a killing field, hercules, and a lav/bbs clone). I also have another killing fields green phenom clone which barely came out of the cloner. The other two plants needed to complete our next crop will most likely be cloned in another 1-1.5 months, giving it around 1.5 months of veg before moving to flower. I've found these genetics grow so large so fast I really have to be careful to time it right. The last killing fields and hericules were vegged for roughly 2 months and were far too tall. To try to control it I continually cropped them but found they simply outgrew the width of space I have in veg. I hope that by staggering clone/germ dates I can reduce the overcrowding I ran into this veg cycle.

Anyway, that's about it! I can't tell you how glad I am that we went from having too few of too small plants, to having plants that were too large. If I had to ask for an issue, plants being too large would be it!
I'll try to remember to take pictures of the veg closet, but it's just not nearly as interesting as looking at the stuff in flower, so don't hold it against me if I don't get them posted in a timely fashion, d'oh.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how obvious it is from the last update, but the last round of crops we put to flower ended up huge. They had started growing over the sog on the shelf, and were smashed in to the point where half the plants were in the dark beneath a far too dense canopy. Though I suspect they would have yielded about as much as they could have in the space they had, it was obvious that if they had more space from the get go, they would produce a lot more.

So with that in mind we did some rearranging and moved to a larger area. The new room is around 9'x9', and the grow area is roughly 6'x6'. The SOG is around the perimeter, and we need to get some stands to get them up higher. With everything else having this much space, it's unlikely we will do any more trays of clones after these ones are done. The plants have so much room now. This round has been in the cramped closet for a while now, the newest ones to go into flower are at least 3 weeks into flower and some of the others are over 2 months, so I'm not sure we'll see a huge benefit to the plants which will be harvested in the next 1-4 weeks. I'm confident that over time this will greatly increase our yields (our preliminary guess is double it, but we'll see :D).

One thing that was nice about the closet was that they were packed so close together that the buds were held up by neighboring plants. It was obvious that we'd have to work something out to hold some of them up, but we weren't quite prepared for the number that would need to be supported. As a result we tied everything up to hooks on the light frame. It works, but is not an ideal situation; the main issue is that when it comes harvest time, it's going to be difficult to separate the plant into a dark room for a day (our normal harvest procedure). Long term our top two ideas for adding support are to either put two stakes in each pot and tie around them, or to wrap the whole plants in a cloth net (like you'd use for a scrog). Not sure which way we'll go, but it won't be an issue for at least 3 weeks, so they'll probably stay tied up for at least a little while.

There are two fans blowing above the canopy at the lights, but the cooltubes aren't hooked to the fan at this point, and the room doesn't have a dedicated in/out for the venting. After about 5 hours of being setup, when I took the pictures below, it was fairly warm, almost 80f. This isn't bad, considering that in the closet with the airflow we had and the winter temps it was sitting around 69-72f with the lights on, it's pretty much moved to the opposite end of the tolerance we look for.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, those two smaller plants we had just harvested in the last update ended up being 42g exactly (1.5oz). We have one more smaller plant that will be harvested in the next 5 days and then we're on to nothing but these huge plants. It'll be nice!

Left room, right room. Killing Fields (front left), Killing Fields (front middle), Orange Crush (front right), Hericules (back left), Lavender/Blueberry-Sativa (back middle), Herijuana/Big-Wite (back right).
Orange crush is from bag-seed. Everything else is from sannies ( All the sannies, with the exception of the lav/bbs, are feminized.

This one just shows two of the clone trays, and gives an idea of how much the lower parts of the larger plants was shaded. When those went into the flower closet they were so bushy you couldn't see the tops of the pots.

Orange Crush - 55 days

Killing Fields (purple pheno) - ~8 weeks

Killing Fields (pink pheno) - ~4 weeks

Harijuana/Big-Wite - ~3 weeks

Lavender/Blueberry-Sativa - ~8 weeks

Hericules - ~3 weeks

That's all for now!



Well-Known Member
one of the kf and the herc are too early to tell still, but the purple kf is growing super dense fat buds. Every single top is so heavy it just falls straight to the ground without being tied up, and having moved it last night and held some of those buds up, the wet weight is a lot more than I thought it would be. And it still has a month to go! The newer KF to go into flower is doing the same thing the purple was at that point, but is significantly larger, so I expect even bigger buds from it; by far it's going to be the biggest yielding plant to date, there's no question.

I have another kf and herc from seed in veg right now that will probably go to flower in a month, so there's more to come!


Well-Known Member
Done a few flower updates but nothing on veg so figured it was time. Not a whole lot to report. If I neglected to post about switching to fox farm nutes for flower and veg, that change went in 4-6 weeks ago. With the other changes it's hard to attribute anything to one particular change, but overall the fox farm seem good and we'll probably stick with them.

Everything except the big one on the left were recently topped, and the soonest one of those will be moving to flower is 3-4 weeks.

This is the last plant of unknown genetics. It's a clone from something that flowered in the past and had an incredible flavor and was quite potent. It's been vegging for quite a long time in an attempt to get it to grow up, but it's taking far too long, at this rate I'd be vegging for years to get it to 3+ feet. It'll go to 12/12 as soon as the orange crush is done, less than a week.

This one in the back is a clone from the killing fields purple pheno in flower right now.

Harijuana/Big-Wite cloned from the one in flower right now (cloned along with the 6 in the tray in the last update pics).

Killing fields, this one is from seed, no idea the pheno, but it looks a bit different than the other two did in veg, so maybe I'll get a green one :)

Hericules, another one from seed.

Last, but not least, clone from the lavender/blueberry-sativa in flower right now.


Active Member
Looking good. The purp KF is looking very beefy bro. Cant wait to see how the herc turns out for you too. I'm sure it will be almost as good as the KF.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave advice, comments, questions, or just chit chat :)

I'm not in a 'friendly' location, and I get little chance to talk to others about this hobby that consumes a chunk of my time/thought. This site is a great community for us who have to lurk in the shadows :)

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave advice, comments, questions, or just chit chat :)

I'm not in a 'friendly' location, and I get little chance to talk to others about this hobby that consumes a chunk of my time/thought. This site is a great community for us who have to lurk in the shadows :)
LOL that is why I think this site does so well. It's not like you can go to the local coffee shop and BS about growing weed! Even though alot of people smoke it not allot grow it, and for those who do you sure as hell don't want people knowing about it! And I can't speak for everyone but probably 70% of my day consists of growing MMJ in some way shape or form. So it is good to have a place like this to talk about it.


Active Member
Hey Gobby. I invited a few of my growing buds to come watch your grow. Some of use are going to be growing some Sannie seeds this grow (or in the near future) and they are very curious to see how these strains grow out. So dont let us down, we want high yeilds and some dank as smoke! lol

I was re-reading your post and had some questions. Can Trichs "revert" back to another color state? I understand that different colas will mature at diff. rates of time. Did you check the same bud of the same cola for your trich readings? If you check the plant in "random" places, you will get different readings.

I noticed in my first grow that sometime my plants would be very dank smelling, then on other days the plants seems to stop emmitting a dank oder. Kinda makes me feel that the plants do have some type of "cycle" they go through. The production of cannabiniods and terpins are connect to the metabolic functions of the plant. Terpins give the plant its smell, so was wondering if the plant has a cycle that its is best to pick the plant in? Not sure what to think, but based on what I've seen and smelled, there might be some truth to it. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Hey Gobby. I invited a few of my growing buds to come watch your grow. Some of use are going to be growing some Sannie seeds this grow (or in the near future) and they are very curious to see how these strains grow out. So dont let us down, we want high yeilds and some dank as smoke! lol
man, great to find other sannies fans too; the more the merrier :) This is my first grow with his genetics, but I get the feeling I'm going to go through most if not all his strains before I bother finding a new genetic source :) I'm really glad I found your, and the others, journals. Will be nice to compare results :)

I was re-reading your post and had some questions. Can Trichs "revert" back to another color state? I understand that different colas will mature at diff. rates of time. Did you check the same bud of the same cola for your trich readings? If you check the plant in "random" places, you will get different readings.
Thats a good question, and one I don't know a definitive answer too. When I put stuff under the scope I pick the whole bract/calyx/ovule-sheath off. I try to take subsequent samples from the same rough area, as you point out uniform trich change is not something that happens. Because of this when we think it's ready to chop we'll take 3-6 small samples and look at averages to determine if we chop. Twice now I have felt that samples several days later contained less amber, and on one occasion it felt like a plant reverted from 100% cloudy to a lot of clear. Hard to say if it reverted or was just the differences in samples. If you get any more info on it, I'd love to hear it :)

Oh, another thing, I did read a thread once by a guy who had flowered a jack or haze or something heavy sativa, and it was something like 30 weeks and was still putting on bud weight. He said at 15-16 weeks he thought it would be done in a day or two, then when a day or two went by he found it had reverted back to mostly clear trichs, and was putting out tons of new cattails. He certainly seemed convinced that the trichs reverted.

I noticed in my first grow that sometime my plants would be very dank smelling, then on other days the plants seems to stop emmitting a dank oder. Kinda makes me feel that the plants do have some type of "cycle" they go through. The production of cannabiniods and terpins are connect to the metabolic functions of the plant. Terpins give the plant its smell, so was wondering if the plant has a cycle that its is best to pick the plant in? Not sure what to think, but based on what I've seen and smelled, there might be some truth to it. Any thoughts?
You might know more about this than I do :) I didn't know that the odor was coming from terpins. A few things I have noticed though: My plants smell the strongest just after the lights go out. No idea why, but they have consistently seemed to get more stinky in the hour or so after lights out.
The other thing I have noticed is how much airflow effects this. For our veg I keep the T5's right up next to the tops. To keep them this close I have an oscillating fan that blows right across the bulbs and the tops of the plants, and the vent for veg goes right up in the attic with no filter. Ever since I started vegging sannie genetics (didn't used to happen with bag-seed), the attic usually reeks of plants, and that's just vent from the veg. At the same time our flower room has to vent the exhaust into the main house. I thought for sure we'd have to figure out how to squeeze a carbon filter into our already consumed budget. However, the flower room has yet to carry much odor. The buds themselves reek, just getting a nose near them and it is like smelling a little piece of heaven, but the odor is not carrying at all. The only thing I can think of is that the oscillating fan in the veg room is kicking out a lot more scent particles. Outside that I haven't specifically noticed environmental effects on odor.

I will say the sannies, especially the herijuana/big-wite and killing fields, developed fairly strong, super dank, odors early on in veg. Hericules developed a very lime green bud smell about when it hit maturity. The bbs has been rather void of odor. You have to stick your nose way in the buds to get even a whiff, but it's got an incredibly fruity smell that I hope will come out better after cure.

On the subject of odor, if I haven't mentioned the smell of the orange crush, let me take a moment to say that this thing smells like a freaking bag of oranges. I get the feeling it won't last through a cure, because the bag the seeds came from didn't smell much like citrus, but man, while growing, I could probably trick a blind person into believing I'm growing orange trees indoors :)

Yeah i hve a couple strains of sannies in mind to grow like herijuana, ko kush,uberkush,choclate berry and chocolate rain
Originally we were going to get the uberkush and herijuana, but switched to the hericules and KF. I had a chance just before the last order to try out some harijuana from a dispensary. It was incredibly potent, but was seriously void of flavor. I mean I'd take a hit and I could feel it, but after exhaling there simply was no taste. Sannie and others mention this, that it's one of his strongest strains, but lacks flavor, so we decided to try something else. Will probably end up getting some just to try it, but decided to try out some of his others first. I'd love to hear how your experience with it is.

I think next order I'm going to get the uberkush, and have been considering shakzilla. Also planning on getting the cheeseberry haze from his breeders choice fem (by eskobar, same breeder for the lav/bbs). Any particular reason you picked the chocolate berry? I have heard good things about it, and it was one we considered, but I think the pics of the cheeseberry haze looked a little better and made us lean toward it...