induction light??

I am fine with you waiting to see the journal you are sponsoring....So please let me know when it is up and please know that absolutely none of that applied to you at all...he went personal so I had to stand up for myself...Yes I am very skeptical but in all honesty I hope I am wrong and they are as good as you jury's still out as for as your product...but I am done with the aforementioned thief.

So please forward the link to it when available...

Hey illumination,
I just sent the light out so it should be set up in a few weeks i'll let you know.



Active Member
Seriously considering moving to induction and maybe combining with supplemental LED for my SOG grows as you don't need a whole lot of penetration in that style of grow so this thread has some really good information for someone trying to learn about the technology if you can sift through all the nastiness. No matter, it looks like they're a Saints fan and they also don't even know how to spell the word "go" so you know that the person baiting the conversation is starting with sub-standard intelligence. Donglai, arguing with a fool only proves there are two. Much less the fact that he essentially makes a holy and reverential salutation into some perverted middle-finger salutation... I don't get it. All we get from Donglai is solid theory and a reasonable excuse why he doesn't upload pics (keep safe bro, this shit doesn't matter) and all we get from Lumen is vicious attacks on the technology that escalate the subject to an unreasonably personal level. I know who I am going to listen to when I make my decision to change my lights.

Back to induction I think I've learned a pretty good amount in the past few days reading about it and there's a couple things I'd like to point out. Yah the penetration sucks like CFL's, but the 400W are claiming 25-30 inches of solid penetration; I only need about 18-24. Also read somewhere that all induction bulbs are manufactured in China. Among obvious trade deficits and a larger industrial base and cheap labor, there is a very important reason why these are only made overseas. Air and manufacturing regulation is so overwhelming here in the states that it's not economically viable to set up a true production plant on US soil; probably Canada or Europe either. The write ups all say the bulbs should be properly disposed and recycled; that means there's some nasty shit in there most likely (just like those little spiral bulbs everyone seems to be buying, little vapor mercury bombs in everyone's home now). I guess point being that all these bulbs are manufactured over in China where the labor and regulation is still cheap and loose so it's not right to say that Chinese made induction lamps are POS... they're the only ones. Kind of like LED these allow you to get super close to the plant so you can target the light's available penetration. Imagine a bunch of these all around the plant the long term savings just make sense if you can see results like some I've seen.

I had one technician for inda-gro tell me 1-400W induction would yield about 90% of what you would get in the same conditions as a 1000W HPS and you would replace 3-1000W HPS with 4-400W induction. I think I'm going to see what 2-400W in a 4x4 tent will do and I'll be sure to let you know when I do.

But what do I know, it's late and I've been blazin' all night.


New Member
"I know who I am going to listen to when I make my decision to change my lights."

That is awesome!!! You will surely get what you deserve.

Thank you for your words....



Well-Known Member
"I know who I am going to listen to when I make my decision to change my lights."

That is awesome!!! You will surely get what you deserve.

Thank you for your words....

I just listen to the salesmen. They are always reliable. As long as I get his guarantee.
BS Meter.jpg

Bubblegoogles I want to see the comparison journal. Please link it. You, I'll see a journal to help me decide. :leaf:
This Donglai is doing nothing to help sell the induction light here.:fire:


Well-Known Member
So it will be at the minimum 8 to 10 weeks for the person receiving the lights to show his results, assuming he or her has a the 2 clones from the same mother ready to go right? And he or she is growing both clones in HID and your lights, is this correct bubblegoogles?


Well-Known Member
Seriously Good Response Bro! But what do you have against the Saints?

I visit forums to get as much information on something before I decide to invest in it. It's simply got to make sense before I invest. All the attacks I hear and see are so counter productive to that process unless the person is speaking from an actual experience.

I expect salespeople to pitch just be able to back it with the science to support the pitch. Donglai has not been really even pitching. He's gathering facts and opinions and putting forth a product as an option. Unless guys like this lay it out there, we wouldn't even know it exists. Those on the forums that protest to vigorously to that are a curious phenomena since all adaptions require a gradual gaining of acceptance unless the product simply does not work at all or the mfg is less then capable of delivering on our expectations. We'll certainly share those experiences, good or bad and justifiably so.

I've been using 2 of the 400 watt indagro inductions now for almost a complete cycle. when I'm done with this grow I'll do a journal from the start of my next grow and post it. I'm actually looking forward to it since I've never actually done a journal before. When I bought these I too was told by indagro that the 400 was not a direct replacement for the 1000 watt HPS but should be consider more like what a LU750 watt HPS would deliver in IR output. That being said I would have to agree that 400 EFDL easily keeps up with what I would have expected a 750 to do at flower and at veg the plants at week two looked like my week 3-4 metal halide grows.

I've got another 400 coming next week one of the things I did not see on their site last time was a lumen depreciation comparison which I found interesting. If the data is accurate it would explain a lot as to how an aging lamps lumen output varies so widely between types. I really had never given that much thought before but to some extent it's certainly got to have an affect on yields especially if it it's a dual spectrum HID lamp. If you want to see that chart I found it by clicking the EFDL image on the inda-gro home page. I would then expect these lamps to carry on at 90% output levels until they have to bury me.

Seriously considering moving to induction and maybe combining with supplemental LED for my SOG grows as you don't need a whole lot of penetration in that style of grow so this thread has some really good information for someone trying to learn about the technology if you can sift through all the nastiness. No matter, it looks like they're a Saints fan and they also don't even know how to spell the word "go" so you know that the person baiting the conversation is starting with sub-standard intelligence. Donglai, arguing with a fool only proves there are two. Much less the fact that he essentially makes a holy and reverential salutation into some perverted middle-finger salutation... I don't get it. All we get from Donglai is solid theory and a reasonable excuse why he doesn't upload pics (keep safe bro, this shit doesn't matter) and all we get from Lumen is vicious attacks on the technology that escalate the subject to an unreasonably personal level. I know who I am going to listen to when I make my decision to change my lights.

Back to induction I think I've learned a pretty good amount in the past few days reading about it and there's a couple things I'd like to point out. Yah the penetration sucks like CFL's, but the 400W are claiming 25-30 inches of solid penetration; I only need about 18-24. Also read somewhere that all induction bulbs are manufactured in China. Among obvious trade deficits and a larger industrial base and cheap labor, there is a very important reason why these are only made overseas. Air and manufacturing regulation is so overwhelming here in the states that it's not economically viable to set up a true production plant on US soil; probably Canada or Europe either. The write ups all say the bulbs should be properly disposed and recycled; that means there's some nasty shit in there most likely (just like those little spiral bulbs everyone seems to be buying, little vapor mercury bombs in everyone's home now). I guess point being that all these bulbs are manufactured over in China where the labor and regulation is still cheap and loose so it's not right to say that Chinese made induction lamps are POS... they're the only ones. Kind of like LED these allow you to get super close to the plant so you can target the light's available penetration. Imagine a bunch of these all around the plant the long term savings just make sense if you can see results like some I've seen.

I had one technician for inda-gro tell me 1-400W induction would yield about 90% of what you would get in the same conditions as a 1000W HPS and you would replace 3-1000W HPS with 4-400W induction. I think I'm going to see what 2-400W in a 4x4 tent will do and I'll be sure to let you know when I do.

But what do I know, it's late and I've been blazin' all night.


Well-Known Member
Solcielo, I am highly interested in your future grow with dual 400's, if I had the funds I would be running one now for one cycle.

Good luck man, please keep me posted


Active Member
"... But what do you have against the Saints?"

I'm a Texas Aggie and a Charger's fan whose ancestor defected from Napoleon and all those other French kooks century's ago to the Spanish and wound up in Mexico. That may be a little complicated to work through but when you do you can get a better perspective on my feelings towards Drew's team.

Hey Chaz I'm curious if you run those EFDL's in an enclosed small area and if so what kind of temperature increase you notice? Are these as cool operating as they claim? It's hard for me to imagine running 2-400W lights and not running dedicated air and exhaust for them alone through my little tent.

And Baja I hope to have some results early spring for you all. Going to stick to the same strain and a little less PPSF so I can get a fairly legitimate comparison of the HID v. EFDL.


Well-Known Member
I looked at Drew going to NO as a complete hit for the Chargers but I got to admit that Rivers has stepped up to the plate. ck out for a thoughtful repose from the umbrage Napoleon left you with.

My other 400 got here yesterday so I've got 3 going in a 8 x 10 room. If you touch the lamp it's warm but within 4 inches the heat has dissipated. Normal ventilation is really all that I'd say is going to be required but I could not say for sure about how they'll do in a confined small space like a tent. My buddy helped me set up and we measured a pretty steady average of 500 micromoles with a quantum meter he has, evenly across the canopy and better penetration so the third light has been an improvement.

"... But what do you have against the Saints?"

I'm a Texas Aggie and a Charger's fan whose ancestor defected from Napoleon and all those other French kooks century's ago to the Spanish and wound up in Mexico. That may be a little complicated to work through but when you do you can get a better perspective on my feelings towards Drew's team.

Hey Chaz I'm curious if you run those EFDL's in an enclosed small area and if so what kind of temperature increase you notice? Are these as cool operating as they claim? It's hard for me to imagine running 2-400W lights and not running dedicated air and exhaust for them alone through my little tent.

And Baja I hope to have some results early spring for you all. Going to stick to the same strain and a little less PPSF so I can get a fairly legitimate comparison of the HID v. EFDL.


Active Member
Holy shit that website is awesome. It's a summary of everything I've been saying for years! How "peesed off" will they be? That one is going right up on the facebook.

I forget which lights you were using if you ever said. Inda-gro's 5200K, enviro-tech's 2700, or one of the MLands at unknown temp? What's your goal for total number of 400's for that room? Any results yet?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro. My grow buddy and I got our first introduction to these by their website too. Take a close look at the chart and you'll see some pretty interesting statistics on that wavelength chart relative to absorption spectrums. It made me take a hard look at the values I've always associated with PAR. There is also a lumen chart on the bottom of the other page that compared almost every lamp I've ever fucked with. So we got baptized and now we're swimming.

Before I ordered these from indagro though I tried to get more info from other sources or maybe better pricing out of Mland but I've not had any luck. I did a search on google; mland bispectrum complaints and there were some posts that shall we say were 'less then favorable'. So I guess you do a bit of research first or pay the price.

Holy shit that website is awesome. It's a summary of everything I've been saying for years! How "peesed off" will they be? That one is going right up on the facebook.

I forget which lights you were using if you ever said. Inda-gro's 5200K, enviro-tech's 2700, or one of the MLands at unknown temp? What's your goal for total number of 400's for that room? Any results yet?


Well-Known Member
You have got to be kidding right? This is not how induction fixtures get set up. I cannot believe this is Mland's best. I'm going with Illumination on this one.
Greetings Everyone,

Sorry for the late reply i was going through alot during this past month, our factory moved to a bigger one and we just settled into it.
Well i dont know whats wrong with you Illumination...i mean if you wanted proof then talk to me dont go all over the forum saying Namaste Bullshit about something you haven´t tried or know about.
We have scientific evidence that these lights are good for the cannabis plants and that results are guaranteed. I´m going to upload the pics since everyone here is sooo sceptical about everything, however i couldnt get the journals as the client only is willing to send the photos but not the journal...i am still working on it though. This hopefully will do...and i can asure you these are our lights because the are unique. Also i dont know if im breaking any laws by uploading these pics...i hope not - -...
Now that there´s actual proof how many orders should i take?? im only here for the dollars apparently so maybe 1 million 2?? That´s just lame making those i said before i am here representing Mland but mostly i want to get professional advice and i appreciate talking to you guys...i not here to advertise or for $$$...i dont go to forums for only sales i do that during working hours...but if i can sell something why not i mean lets not be naive...
Well people i hope these pics will make you be less sceptical towards me. Thank you and feel free to ask me stuff or advice me with useful information!
Hasta la vista!
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Well-Known Member
I have got to get up from the floor I was laughing so fucking hard. Tell me Illumination; how do you really feel?
"We have scientific evidence that these lights are good for the cannabis plants and that results are guaranteed."

These are your words which you wrote and now have retracted but you want people to believe you.

You sir are a scoundrel peddling an inferior product at an inflated price so you are in effect a thief.

Sir I have traveled the world, have been to Hong Kong as well as touring the great wall.

I know this... this is old tech which GE and Phillips abandoned as it was inferior to hid. But your inferior manufacturing capabilities in China solved these problems that these giants couldn't? Yrah right.

And yes most "SHIT" TO QUOTE YOU !! IE CRAPPY TRASHY PRODUCTS are made in China, your Freudian Slip there is humorous.

Don't have anything against China or the Chinese and am American. Have something against liars and thieves.

You sir are an utter fool. You say how great this light is with psuedo and junk science just as the LED grow lights use. How it is so much better. Yet in EVERY instance one sees these or leds in action they can't touch hid grow results with a 10 foot pole. Your own provided photos prove that. Nutes do not cause plants to stretch with small inferior growth on the lower parts of the plants that are small. This is only caused by inferior weak light that isn't able to penetrate. Anyone who knows anything knows this.

And if you actually took a risk with those pics, how come the sales rep I spoke with through as I was interested in these before you appeared, sent me pics of grows within seconds?? A rep for M-Land with much better language skills and much more knowledge sent those and he never worried about it. So again more lies from you.
It is evident by your own words you do not know crap about lights and surely not a thing about growing.

Sir I do not have to refute your claims. Your own words and photos have done it better than I could. You need to prove what you claim is true. I made no assertations, you did.

You sir are the one touting how awesome your product is making claims you can't back up. It is you which needs to prove something. You will never get my money you arrogant asshole. Shove your lies and lights up your anus and maybe you'll get a bright idea. Cause none come out of your head.


Well-Known Member
Let me see if I got this right...Advanced of your distributors... who did 'they own reasearch'...and got 'some interesting data' ...does all your 'work' and your going to sell direct!

If I was Advanced Hydroponics I'd get with Illumination, grab the KY (we're gentleman) and insert one of these lamps you know next to nothing about, so far up your ass we'd use your mouth as the beacon of bullshit that it continues to be.

Don't fuck up a good technology with your complete lack of ethics and technical understanding. Anyone can eventually learn to sell a product. Ethics on the other hand you either have or you don't.

What happens when there is a problem? You say 'contact Advanced right'?

To fucking much

P.D: Here i will give you guys a link of one of our distributors in Canada They did their own reasearch on the lights and they got some interesting data which i will use in the future XD. However if you want to order then come to me i can get them cheaper as we are the manufacturers.


Well-Known Member
post it on your site. now there's an idea!
Well i am tired of replying to ur shit Illumination...since u obviously cant read my responses and go all cranky about a topic u obviously dont know anything about so lets settle here; i would just ignore ur stupidity and hilarious accusations.

On the other hand; thank you solcielo (i suppose ur spanish, if so Que pasa tio soy de madrid XD) because u opened my eyes to get back to the real picture here, i appreciate all the techinical facts ur throwing there, that's what im lacking here and that's why i came to this forum to know the actual differences between lights. So i am grateful that there's still people like u in these forums and not faggots looking for arguments 24/7.

To Danielsgb; thank you and i appreciate that grain of trust. However, as i said before i am not here to sell the lights but to get more knowledge on my company's products, the competition out there and the after sales service. I am not here for business but for gathering more knowledge i do my salesman work a different way, BUT if u are interested in them just send me an email address and i will send you all the information i got on our induction lights. This goes for anyone that is interested in them too, in the brochures i have about Mland's induction light most of the techinical facts about the light are given and comparing them to the LEDs and HPS.

Neways i will post our clients feedback (journals, pics) once im back in Spain (this way i save myself from getting into trouble and i give our clients time to fully test our new induction lights). This will take a while but i will try my best to show that i am not a liar or a thief and to gain some ppl's trust.

Thank you for your time and have a nice day!


New Member
Well huummm this is weird but whatever...erm i am not a professional marihuana grower and i didnt come here to post specifications about our lights but i can at least say that we have three different Kelvin, 2700K, 6500K , and Bi-spectrum : 2700K+ red/blue rating. If you want the specifications please email me and i will be pleased to do can i not be able to post the specifications here? well they are in PDF format so i decided to use advance hydroponics to shut some mouths (big mistake) and i am here for OTHER reasons so Chazbolin...if you want the specifications reply to my emails dont ASSUME stuff and go all public.

By Assuming i mean that you dont know anything about me so so dont get in too personal here.I was hired as an international sales man for Mland (me and two other colleagues-probably you talked to him through Alibaba) obviously not for my magnificent engineering skills or expertise in the induction lights. Meaning that they have the budget to hire me and expand out of Asia further more, also meaning that they are still in the process of doing so...improving their brochures in english etc so most of this takes time. Also we are not only specialized in growing induction lights but we are able to use it in basically any kind of lamps(street,garden,office,etc) and we have around 1500 products with different kinds of bulbs (HPS,LEDS,Induction) anyways no more to say here dont want to get into more arguments if you are interested then reply to my emails, get the facts, then post that would be more useful for me too!
No one wants you here...go away


Well-Known Member
I spoke to a hydro shop just minutes away from inda-gro's shop about him stocking inda-gro's, he said he would never stock that junk but he'll sell it to any idiot who wants


Active Member
strange I've spoken to many hydro shops within 2-25 miles of inda-gro's shop and most of the employees have never even heard of inda-gro or induction lamps. oddly enough the only people i've met familiar with it was one guy that uses them entirely for veg and couldn't be happier and another shop owner that seemed to be on the fence about stocking them and I suspect not being able to resell you a bulb in 9 months is what turned him off. even though i don't have to use my AC, I only get to use 4/5 the light-wattage, and my plants look like they're absolutely hating it, I think I'm going to stick with it. idiot out.

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Well-Known Member
were can I buy the cheapest induction light on limited means,its always the same,I bought a 300 watt led,a couple of months ago
and I'm very disapointed in the growth and budding,it takes an age,if I can get wholed of a indution light,I can get rid of the led on ebay,can you help cheers folks