Ineb's First Grow


Well-Known Member
Now, this is my first (personal use) grow. Feel free to comment.

Currently I have 1 (unknown strain) in my unfinished grow room under 2 15watt fluorescents. I'm using a mixture of peat moss and MG Moisture Control soil; also using MG 12-9-6 ferts 'till I get some real stuff. The lights will be replaced with one 150watt Metal Halide, once I get the rest of my equipment.

It's been 4days since germination. Indoors here. Unfertilized water.

I also have one (also unknown) that was started indoors. It was moved outside after it sprouted because of the low amount of light in my room at the moment.

1 day after germination. Indoors here. Unfertilized water.

6 days after germination. Outside Here. Unfertilized water.

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Well-Known Member
I am on Experimental Batch No. 2 with my plants : none of Experimental Batch No. 1 remain alive today despite my best efforts to keep them alive. After reading and listening a bit, I'm convinced using bagseed to practice on is all right in my circumstance as when I do purchase good seed stock I'll have some experience with successful growing.

Good luck with your first grow - the caretaker love you are expressing is quite touching! :)


Well-Known Member
Yup, I'm usin' bagseed here. That's why I can't name the strain. :?

But as you mentioned, it's great for practice before I blow all my money on some seeds that all die.


Well-Known Member
Oops I forgot some info!

The indoor plant is on a schedule of 20hours on and 7hours off. The off period fluctuates very slightly; ~1hour(s) variance, as it is when I sleep and I have yet to buy a timer.

The outdoor plant is on the current seasonal light schedule as it is outside. About 15 hours of light for that one.

I will be bringing the outdoor plant back in when I receive the rest of my equipment. I'll probably bring it in during the night to keep the stress to a minimum and hopefully it won't freak out too much from the rapid climate change. Temps are about the same as outside in my room, but the humidity is quite a bit lower. (At least I won't have to worry too much about molds)

I'll also be purchasing some Neem Oil to mist my plants and medium with. Figured I'd try an organic anti-fungal/bacterial/insecticide before using a synthetic chemical.


Well-Known Member
Day 6 for Plant 1. No ferts yet.


Day 8 for Plant 2. No ferts here either.

As for plant #1, things seem to be going smoothly but slowly. I blame the weak lights I have at the moment. I've had two plants die on me with the lights I have now, but each only had one over them. At least both lights over one plant seem to provide just enough for life.

Plant #2 is growing like a weed :mrgreen: as you can see


Well-Known Member
Once again I forgot some info. :roll:

My grow room is 6ftx5ftx3.5ft HeightxWidthxDepth

So, my max grow space is about 5ftx5ftx3.5ft (shaved a ft. from the height as my lamp will occupy that space)

Temps range from 74 degree's F. to 80 degree's F. Lights Off - Lights On.

There are no fans in my growroom currently, there's a gap under my closet door where the cooler air from my room blends with the warm air from the back closet (connected to my grow room, separated by a thin wooden door)
thus producing my ideal, low varying temp. ranges. There's also a rather large overhead fan on all the time in my room, and a window A/C unit pulling fresh air in.

I'm in the room quite often, because I live right beside it. Because of that, I have no need to worry too much about C02 deficiencies.

The outdoor plant is looking very promising to me, an extreme growth rate
and no discoloration so far. The leaves/stem are/is very thick, about 5 pieces of copy paper thick. (If it's normal for it to look that way at Day 9, tell me so I don't get delusions of grandeur.)

BTW, as in my first post, feel free to comment and criticize, it's my first grow and the criticism could be helpful.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, my outside plant looks a little bit odd now. The newest leaves show some yellowing from where they connect to the main stem and along the main vein in each new leaf. Is that normal or is it a tell-tale sign of some deficiency or very light nute burn from the treated MG soil? Perhaps I over watered? I'll let the medium dry a tad-bit longer to ensure that it either is the problem, or if there is some other underlying issue.
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Well-Known Member
As of my last post the outside plant has gone totally back to green already, I never got to figure out the cause of it, but I'm happy nonetheless that it made such a speedy recovery.


Well-Known Member
Once again I forgot some info. :roll:

My grow room is 6ftx5ftx3.5ft HeightxWidthxDepth

So, my max grow space is about 5ftx5ftx3.5ft (shaved a ft. from the height as my lamp will occupy that space)

Temps range from 74 degree's F. to 80 degree's F. Lights Off - Lights On.

There are no fans in my growroom currently, there's a gap under my closet door where the cooler air from my room blends with the warm air from the back closet (connected to my grow room, separated by a thin wooden door)
thus producing my ideal, low varying temp. ranges. There's also a rather large overhead fan on all the time in my room, and a window A/C unit pulling fresh air in.

I'm in the room quite often, because I live right beside it. Because of that, I have no need to worry too much about C02 deficiencies.

The outdoor plant is looking very promising to me, an extreme growth rate
and no discoloration so far. The leaves/stem are/is very thick, about 5 pieces of copy paper thick. (If it's normal for it to look that way at Day 9, tell me so I don't get delusions of grandeur.)

BTW, as in my first post, feel free to comment and criticize, it's my first grow and the criticism could be helpful.
greetings from another noobie,

your grow looks good to me. i'm into the first week of flowering so i've got a little bit of a lead on you. your plants looks very similar to mine at the same stage. it gets a lot more exciting in the next few weeks as it starts to add more nodes. have fun.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input; do you happen to have a grow journal yourself? If ya do I'd like to take a peak. bongsmilieon. Also lookin' forward to what mine will look like when they start flowering. But first I have to get the rest of my stuff, which I'm still waiting to get to my doorstep. :neutral: And they also have to live that long ^^ with this little experience anything could go wrong, even if they turn out to be males I'd still be happy knowing I got them that far.

The outside plant has quite the root system, it's root system is about a week ahead of schedule. I just hope it can wait till my shit gets here to be transplanted.
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Well-Known Member
The plant in my unfinished grow room is making very slow progress, tall with small leaves. As I gave it its daily mist it almost fell over, so I had to reinforce it with another handful of soil around its base. Bah, it's not lookin' too hot.


Well-Known Member
i didn't go with a journal this time but i included two pics at 8 weeks veg and today at 1 week flowering. as you can see, four plants completely cover a 3x3 space.



Well-Known Member
The plant in my unfinished grow room is making very slow progress, tall with small leaves. As I gave it its daily mist it almost fell over, so I had to reinforce it with another handful of soil around its base. Bah, it's not lookin' too hot.
a thin stem is supposed to be a sign of the light being to far away, according to faq on this site.


Well-Known Member
I've got 2 flouro almost touching the leaves. :cry: Shipping takes FOREVER!!! Once my MH gets here I can give it some lovin' and move the outy in with the inny. 30watts of cool white just is not enough.

Your crop looks great man. :blsmoke:
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Well-Known Member
The outside plant had some unusual droopage tonight, all leaves were stickin' straight out when I checked it. An hour later and they were all sad looking. No discoloration but the droop does have me a bit curious.

Will post Day8-Indoor and Day11-Outdoor pic's when the sun is shinin' on meh green child.


Well-Known Member
Well, I can't get the indoor pic up for another few hours yet - lights out.
I switched my light setup to vertical to maximize its exposure to the cheap-o lights.

But the outty is lookin' real good to me. :joint:


Well-Known Member
you have been working well with your little ones.
i did not notice if you have a little fan blowing that can stregthen stocks.
simulated the wind. NOT so you blow the roots off just a gental little breeze.
I leave 3 fans running 24/7.... just a thought. but arnt da babys wonderful
they grow up soooooooooooooo fast. keep your journal up as you have been. then if you ever have an issue it is much easer to find the issues that need to be addressed.
congradulations pa pa may they all be chubby cheek girls.