Ineb's First Grow


Well-Known Member
how the hell tall is that thing? you;re going to have to stake it when that main cola starts to grow. and patience, it will happen - look back at my early flowering pics and they weren;t much to look at either.


Well-Known Member
Well, the last time I measured it it was 29 inches, and quite a ways away from the HPS. Now it's taller than I can get the HPS to hang currently, so I have her growing to the side of it. Probably between 35-40inches now. (bad room design, starting over after she's finished)


Well-Known Member
Hmm, been away for a bit. Photo update, weee!

Aiko - Day 94 - 50th day of flowering.

Finally got my HPS mounted into a reflector, growth has nearly doubled since then; about a week ago. That's yet another thing that has waited far too long.