Injury..will pulling clones become problematic?



I was a little unsure on where to place this post. however I'm hoping that those with more experience than me may have gone through this.
6 days ago my girl was moved for room remodel and placed under CFLs from hid..

Im not too familiar with the light output from the CFL and appropriate distance. this is my first run using at their length and output. as I was monitoring her. I noticed leaves and starting to pull away from the lights and showing signs of mild distress. so with a little experimentation with the lights and the distance, placement etc. After a few tweeks got them to a proper distance.
unfortunately in the process one of the branches broke from the main stem about 50%.was quickly tied up and the Gap was closed.

I postponed pulling clones to allow some healing.however last night I went to check in a little bit more in detail and noticed that the Gap has not closed. Yet the branch is still producing nice green leaves, I will attach photos ...branch doesn't seem stressed however I hesitate pulling the Clones today. part of me says give her a little bit longer the other part says pull them clean up the bottom and that will Direct Energy to the wound and stimulates healing but yet it's day 6 it should have already been healing. part of me says pull the whole thing off then Clone off of that (i wasn't planning to touch it while pulling) instead of attempting to save it. . I'm spinning trying to come to a conclusion.

that was the third time I had to postpone pulling clones and I don't want to do it a fourth. But I will if necessary... 1) she was intentionally over nutes in attempts to kill her.(flushed) .2) room remodel due to #1 3) initial break..

Thoughts? Experiences?

