Insect experience


Active Member
hello all,

I am in the very begining stages of my next grow(just threw the bean in the soil) and while misting the soil this A.M i noticed an (1) insect crawling over the top of my soil. I was in a rush for work and didnt have the means to capture a pic but based off of pictures/past experience i believe its a spider mite. Not exactly sure how he got there because i have domes for humidity over my bags, but neverless hes there.

Is there a recommended product to hit the soil with that would not affect a little seedling? I am very worried because this one seed is the last of my very own breed. And regardless of male/female i would like to carry on my seed.

All comments welcome, cheers MF's
Spider mites are not visible to the naked eye
Try some demetrius earth to rid the runners
Edit: Don't use domes on seedlings only clones
Ya if you saw with the naked eye its not spider mite. Might just be a soil mite, which is actually beneficial, or at least not a bad thing, I believe. I usually see soil mites when i water or move the top layer of soil/medium slightly. small white bug that move quick. I wouldn't worry much but some demetrius earth wouldnt hurt.
I would disagree with @Herb & Suds and @WintersBones on the visibility aspect.

I have observed primarily two-spotted spider mites. A single nymph or adult on the underside of a leaf is easy to miss, but can be seen without magnification. I can't make out many body features, just the general shape of the mite.

The Larvae are another story. Due to their small size and colorless appearance, I do need magnification to see them.

The stippling pattern on the top side of the leaf is often the first clue I see that there are spider mites feeding underneath. As the population increases and silken pathways start emerging, the individual mites become more apparent.

Note: I haven't had my vision tested recently, but I think it's about average or a little better.