New Member
Just wondering why your concerned with FLIR? The police need a search warrant to use it, so if they do your already screwed.
So your saying that in Scotland the police spend money, and lots of it by the way, to simply fly around and try to find grows?In scotland the police do regular fly overs so its best to edge on the side of caution is it not?...
Then insulate the damn thing for fuck sake.......YAWNYawn, ive heard this argument so many times... dont be paranoid... dont be so stupid... the police need a good reason... they arent specifically looking for grows etc etc.
Its my choice at the end of the day and i say.... INSULATE!!!
who me? lolget your facts right, oh and you may want to rethink your strategy LOL
No, I was talking 2 brokeandwise and have posted links to put to rest his claims FLIR is no longer used in the US due to the new legislation. Any friend of hip hop is a friend of mine.who me? lol
Ya, wat a cool guy just wish I was in U.S. to benefit from it..thanks for the links to Kopbusters Fn sweet bout time someone does soemthing
Insulates heat AND sound, hope you have a money tree in wid all those ganja trees. 8PAnyone used anything other than r13 insualtion to insulate their entire grow?...
Im bumping this thread as i dont feel as though people are insulating their grows, or maybe just dont know how to - like me...
Need some info on what material to use and where to get it and costs etc...
Oh my god... what a thread!!! Thanks a lot tom...
Post #45-48 show his IR shield layer.