Interesting story back in the news.


Well-Known Member

Well that is Alger, Schoolcraft, and Delta all sending thieving, tweaker, mother fuckers to prison
for home invasion. The ones that robbed a grow house got mostly 20 years each. Except for the
snitch of the group that got the 11 years off the clearance rack.
This is a good trend up here. 1 or 2 need to get killed real quick, preferably in the process of entering
a house they shouldn't be at, and then this shit will really start to slow down quickly.


Well-Known Member

Edit. Maybe a meter reader was checking shit and witnessed the owner tied up?.?
I may be getting stories and a movie blurred. roflmao.

thats why they call it dope lmfao,, u stoned again..and again

Early last year, some guys from Milwaukee or Chicago can up here and broke into a growers house.
They fucking tied him up in his house, beat the fuck out of him and tried robbing him.
I have talked to this dude a few times. He is a cool dude, he is a good sized dude.
I don't know the exact deal, but I believe he got free and got ahold of a few of them.
Dude about got killed, or the ones breaking in about got killed. This was out in the middle
of nowhere also! A scary reality that many of us live on a day to day basis.

Edit. Maybe a meter reader was checking shit and witnessed the owner tied up?.?
I may be getting stories and a movie blurred. roflmao.


New Member
It is really a violent world and in the end I keep my weapons close and my dogs always have my back . Nobody is safe from this shit 100 % but I do believe that the more you play there more risk you have , I do know that when you step down and sell on the black market that the odds are far worse than when legal and often the repercussions are hell like those posted .

I would rather throw my overages away than sell them to some punk ass mother fucker , they are a dime a dozen and easy to find as we all know . The freeloaders will stop at nothing and often take others lives in there course of action .

Dont get me wrong this can happen to the best people but it sure helps to have your guards up while working selectively with others as these cases are inside jobs nine out of ten times due to mistrust or betrayal . Be smart and dont fuck around with anyone shady and always keep your guards up for yourself and your own patients safety ..

If not for the feds law on pot and guns we would probably have some nice statistics for rippers stopped with lead here in Mi !