Interesting Thought...


Well-Known Member
if you cut your stem and its hollow inside you will see that the middle of the stem holds alot of water or nutes if you can mix coke into that liquid then the plant can make use of it.


Well-Known Member
i got a buddy who always sprinkles coke onto his bowl, but it generally falls off or blows away. This way you could have professionally laced weed, a true cocopuff.


Well-Known Member
well what im going to do is when i first cut a bud off ill let the stem suck up the cokeH20..

yeah.. its not healthy to give your plant salt...


Well-Known Member
Yes Cup ... sounds plosible to me... Id add 1 part coke 2 part water not too much... you want it so the plant absorbs all the coke and water.... not have a big bole of water with a low ppm of coke... because it will only take soo much. than you have a bowl of semei coke water... usless.


Well-Known Member
ok so i mixed in about a gram into a 3/4 cup of water and stuck a good sized chopped branch in.. lets see what happens.. =]


Well-Known Member
HAHAHa I love it... i would have used a half cup water... keep us updated!!!
I started with a half cup and a gram but it didnt dissolve it all so i added a 1/4 cup more. Its sucked up quite a bit so far.. i cant wait to smoke and see what happens


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me... are you going to smoke it tonight or wait until tomoro... try and let it suck it all uppp


Well-Known Member
ill wait till all the water is gone or close to it.. probably tonight. =] cant wait to try.. ill have to quick dry a nug.. then ill wait the whole drying period for the rest


Well-Known Member
the bud im going to test prolly weighs a gram.. i dont have a camera yet or id post pic. its only got about 1/4 left to drink