Internet connection problems.. any computer network guru's around?

But I've got unlimited bandwidth bro... :| I shouldn't be limited at all.. I'm paying $90/monthly for my internet/tv-cable service combined.. its like some bundle package that lame ass Cox carries.

ATT or VIOS eh? I'll have too look into that.

I mean, I'm trying to start/run a business online as well... I actually had a customer contact me yesterday about one of my items for sale, and now.. I can't get the customer to contact me back, which means they've given up and probably don't want it! Which means I just lost a $200.00 fucking SALE!! Because of my ISP! Ugggghh... :|

Unlimited is the amount data measured on your usage not the speed of the data transmitted. Its classic over loaded node or its a crack somewhere in your line that is allowing egress to bring your noise level up on the modem. See modems talk to the head end through what the cable company calls forward and return paths. Obviously on different bandwidths/frequencies and these different frequencies has different noise level tolerances. If the weather is cool the cable contracts and when the day heats up the cable will expand exposing any cracks and leaks for ingress. This is sometimes where modems fall off because when the cable was cool it was closed, heats up it opens up and allows ingress. This causes modem drops, slow speeds and other issues. Just another thought.
My Cable Modem Speed Test Results:

Last result:
Download speed: 1023 kbps (127.9 KB/sec transfer speed)
Upload speed: 268 kbps (33.5 KB/sec transfer speed)

ehhhhh... :| I could care less about the upload speed really.. as I hardly never upload stuff, usually just pictures.

How's that look to everyone? Be honest with me though... please.
My Cable Modem Speed Test Results:

Last result:
Download speed: 1023 kbps (127.9 KB/sec transfer speed)
Upload speed: 268 kbps (33.5 KB/sec transfer speed)

ehhhhh... :| I could care less about the upload speed really.. as I hardly never upload stuff, usually just pictures.

How's that look to everyone? Be honest with me though... please.

what the site grade it?I got a A-,I love fios

Mine says VA for some reason... That's a pretty neat site...

My fkn RR is about a third of that. Actually, my download is a third of that. My upload is pathetic, 1 mbps at the most
Honestly though, compared to when I had their basic package when I first signed up, unless I'm uploading or downloading movies, I can't tell too much of a difference... That and when the bill comes too... Bastards....

damn yours is double mine.Im about to call these fuckers at verizon to see whats up.
Honestly though, compared to when I had their basic package when I first signed up, unless I'm uploading or downloading movies, I can't tell too much of a difference... That and when the bill comes too... Bastards....
what kind of speed you getting when dowloading movies?
Mine stays around 1.7-1.8 mb a second.
still way better then dsl
I had DSL, and dialup in the past, not very effective for trying to download movies.... But still better than buying the DVD....

As for downloading movies, depends on where I'm getting it from, more times than not, if I'm using a torrent to get a movie, my download times are hindered because of the other end.

I downloaded about 8gb, seasons 1-7 of The Office in 5 minutes, that comes to 27mbps, a lot of times though I'm not that lucky... Maybe 5mbps in most cases, but that is because of the place where I'm getting it from...

what kind of speed you getting when dowloading movies?
Mine stays around 1.7-1.8 mb a second.
still way better then dsl
what the site grade it?I got a A-,I love fios

bleh.. :| I got a freaking 'F' - wow.

Well no freaking wonder! Came from a NY server... which is 1300 miles from here.

This ones a little better according to my current location:

I went from an 'F' to an 'F+' :D Making progress! .....heh.
you people have fast connections.. :|

I should look into upgrading..

but, at the same time.. this connection gets the job done. It's not extremely fast.. but its quick for what it is.
anyone know of any software that can speed/tweak your modem settings so you get the most out of your connection?

is there even such a thing?

I know I've seen my brother inlaw (freaking genius) manually edit some kind of configuration file for his modem before.. and somehow it made his fairly quicker than before he edited the configuration file.
It may have been the MTU setting. It stands for Maxiumum Transmission Unit, and basically regulates the size of the chunks of data being sent and received (or maybe just sent, not sure).

bleh.. :| I got a freaking 'F' - wow.

Well no freaking wonder! Came from a NY server... which is 1300 miles from here.

This ones a little better according to my current location:

I went from an 'F' to an 'F+' :D Making progress! .....heh.

lmfao at a F+

And I got no idea how to make it faster.If you have wifi make sure no neighbors are using your shit
I had DSL, and dialup in the past, not very effective for trying to download movies.... But still better than buying the DVD....

As for downloading movies, depends on where I'm getting it from, more times than not, if I'm using a torrent to get a movie, my download times are hindered because of the other end.

I downloaded about 8gb, seasons 1-7 of The Office in 5 minutes, that comes to 27mbps, a lot of times though I'm not that lucky... Maybe 5mbps in most cases, but that is because of the place where I'm getting it from...

that is insane.
Is it torrents your using?Got any invites?lol
To get a true picture of your bandwidth coming from ISP, you could connect a PC directly to the modem if you are going through a router or hub. You need an ethernet (wired) connection to your PC to do this, modems typically are not wireless-enabled. On that point, if you are testing wirelessly that is also a bottleneck. Your wireless router, PC card might not be able to make use of all the bandwidth available. And yes, others could be using the bandwidth.
lmfao at a F+

And I got no idea how to make it faster.If you have wifi make sure no neighbors are using your shit

Nope, its cable.

its just a shitty cheap ass connection.

I pay close to $100 a month for this connection too.. that's the sad part.

well, no.. wait, it wouldn't be $100 for the internet alone, because I have the Cox cable/internet bundle thing.

I think I pay about $50 to $60 a month for the connection alone.. and then $40 or $50 for my cable tv connection.

but still... a freaking 'F'!?!?! I could almost put in an old freaking 56k dial-up modem in this thing and I could probably match or possibly beat my current speeds. That's just pathetic.. :|

I need to consult with my ISP apparently. I think I'll put a plan together this weekend, and then on Monday.. just go to their offices and tell them what I think about this connection. ;)

But, like I said earlier.. while the connection might suck, it is fast for what it is.. and its better than having nothing at all IMO.

I just use uTorrent. A friend of mine was using bit torrent, and was downloading shit everyday. He got an email from Fios saying he was getting sued. Gotta be careful with those.

I barely download anything anymore. I do have a demonoid code though, not sure if it's any good anymore, it's like a week old, I never used it.

that is insane.
Is it torrents your using?Got any invites?lol
Got an op going guru? Cable guy might need to visit. I have put off stuff like that (furnace cleaning, etc) for that very reason, and I am legal. Just don't want ppl knowing it's there, y'know? But, I gotta do it sooner or later.