Internet trolls and types.


Well-Known Member
You are confusing me with somebody else ?????
You must think that I am some kind of moron!:dunce: Perhaps I'm not the smartest person in the world but I've been around long enough to know 'if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.................'

The internet is a really amazing place because it provides us with a level of anonymity. I have no idea who you REALLY are. You could be a 14 year old pubescent girl for all I know. You are probably having a good laugh at all of this mayhem you've been able to create over the past year or so (at least that's all I'm aware of). Has it been worth it? You could have built a boat or been a big brother to some underpriviliged Haitian kid. You could've done something constructive with all the time you've wasted playing games with people on here. To each his own I suppose. I KNOW who you are. You can try to pretend and play all the games you want but I just wanted you to know that I KNOW.........MUWAHAHAHAH!!!!!:fire:


Well-Known Member
he didnt have to agree to anything
different email, different name,"different person";-)
Yeah, but fdd knows he's here. He left a bunch of visitor messages on fdd's profile page (which have been deleted for some reason). I don't think fdd likes LUDA/YOUNG BUCK/SIR SMOKER/what the fuck ever screennames he has or had...........In my year and a half I have yet to see anybody come even close to the level of mayhem that Luda has caused here.:fire:


Well-Known Member
You must think that I am some kind of moron!:dunce: Perhaps I'm not the smartest person in the world but I've been around long enough to know 'if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.................'

The internet is a really amazing place because it provides us with a level of anonymity. I have no idea who you REALLY are. You could be a 14 year old pubescent girl for all I know. You are probably having a good laugh at all of this mayhem you've been able to create over the past year or so (at least that's all I'm aware of). Has it been worth it? You could have built a boat or been a big brother to some underpriviliged Haitian kid. You could've done something constructive with all the time you've wasted playing games with people on here. To each his own I suppose. I KNOW who you are. You can try to pretend and play all the games you want but I just wanted you to know that I KNOW.........MUWAHAHAHAH!!!!!:fire:
Your posts are fun and colorful to read!


New Member
Why assume and not ask first?

It may be the same location but timing is different. Even if the timing of both events are near, there should be a courtesy of asking first.
when a friend of mine was running an errand at a shopping center, another friend assume that he has alot of time and can shop for her at a shopping mall nearby. Without asking first, assumption was taken and instruction to buy all the things at the various shops start to shoot off like a machine gun.
When she finally stop and he says that he is running on tight schedule, her immediate reaction was "then you should have said so in the first place!".
Hello! vacuum in the brain you didn't even allow him to speak before shooting him with instructions.
Have you ever had experience with people who on hearing that you're going for holiday somewhere and they assume you'll be going to every part of the place and start to place purchase order' with you?
Why do people like to assume?
That's one factor that contributes to people feeling taken for granted.
That's one contributor to frustration in relationship.
Because people assume too much of each other.
Someone once said that assumption is the worse form of knowledge'.
Pardon me, sorry to disappoint you but assumption is not even a form of knowledge.
You assume because you have no knowledge.
Stop assuming how people around you feels. Find out, ask them.
Stop assuming other's time are for you. Show some respect and ask.
Stop assuming that friends can do everything for you. If you even cares for them and love them, you wouldn't take them for granted with your assumption.

Stop assuming!
Exercise your mouth a little and starting asking.
Use your mind a little and start thinking ~


New Member
Why assume and not ask first?

It may be the same location but timing is different. Even if the timing of both events are near, there should be a courtesy of asking first.
when a friend of mine was running an errand at a shopping center, another friend assume that he has alot of time and can shop for her at a shopping mall nearby. Without asking first, assumption was taken and instruction to buy all the things at the various shops start to shoot off like a machine gun.
When she finally stop and he says that he is running on tight schedule, her immediate reaction was "then you should have said so in the first place!".
Hello! vacuum in the brain you didn't even allow him to speak before shooting him with instructions.
Have you ever had experience with people who on hearing that you're going for holiday somewhere and they assume you'll be going to every part of the place and start to place purchase order' with you?
Why do people like to assume?
That's one factor that contributes to people feeling taken for granted.
That's one contributor to frustration in relationship.
Because people assume too much of each other.
Someone once said that assumption is the worse form of knowledge'.
Pardon me, sorry to disappoint you but assumption is not even a form of knowledge.
You assume because you have no knowledge.
Stop assuming how people around you feels. Find out, ask them.
Stop assuming other's time are for you. Show some respect and ask.
Stop assuming that friends can do everything for you. If you even cares for them and love them, you wouldn't take them for granted with your assumption.

Stop assuming!
Exercise your mouth a little and starting asking.
Use your mind a little and start thinking ~
ahhhh i hate this kid!!!!


Well-Known Member
Why assume and not ask first?

It may be the same location but timing is different. Even if the timing of both events are near, there should be a courtesy of asking first.
when a friend of mine was running an errand at a shopping center, another friend assume that he has alot of time and can shop for her at a shopping mall nearby. Without asking first, assumption was taken and instruction to buy all the things at the various shops start to shoot off like a machine gun.
When she finally stop and he says that he is running on tight schedule, her immediate reaction was "then you should have said so in the first place!".
Hello! vacuum in the brain you didn't even allow him to speak before shooting him with instructions.
Have you ever had experience with people who on hearing that you're going for holiday somewhere and they assume you'll be going to every part of the place and start to place purchase order' with you?
Why do people like to assume?
That's one factor that contributes to people feeling taken for granted.
That's one contributor to frustration in relationship.
Because people assume too much of each other.
Someone once said that assumption is the worse form of knowledge'.
Pardon me, sorry to disappoint you but assumption is not even a form of knowledge.
You assume because you have no knowledge.
Stop assuming how people around you feels. Find out, ask them.
Stop assuming other's time are for you. Show some respect and ask.
Stop assuming that friends can do everything for you. If you even cares for them and love them, you wouldn't take them for granted with your assumption.
Stop assuming!
Exercise your mouth a little and starting asking.
Use your mind a little and start thinking ~
Blah, blah, blah..............R U LUDACRIS? lol!:roll:

You must be the good twin! LMFAO!!!!:lol:


I hate the trolls that live in those troll holes...constantly making me pay those damn troll


Well-Known Member
Its all due to their mental state of mind. I wouldent say they are weirdos but do agree they are missing something in their lifes and have a personality disorder a long with other mental issues.
Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooohhhh Luda!!! You kill me!:lol:

Should I go digging through some of your old posts so we can establish who has the mental illness/personality disorder? I'm pretty sure you hold some kind of record for being banned the most or something.:fire:


New Member
guess I'm a huge troll, I call it fishing, I throw a line in on a post and if that person comes back with a comment, I got a fish on.
I think It's effin hilarious that you can get people riled up on the internet.
THEY ARE JUST WORDS THAT ARE TYPED ON A SCREEN. quit being so Damn sensitive. I even started a forum where we don't delete or edit.
sold it for a VERY large profit.
if you people believe it is mental or something missing in my life, your right, it called laughter and when I get a fish on who is a good fighter, I am on the other end in stitches, LMFAO as I rip them a new a-hole.
NOW, comes the fun, who here is gonna be my next catch? think carefully before you post.