Into wk 6 veg !!! big bud n train wreck how's mi green fingers doing...?


Well-Known Member
no advice I think you are doing great, everything's looking delicious :weed:
Cheers mate ...I gave them a little foliage feed today of the old Epson salts has since Ive increased the EC Ive noticed the red streaking on the big bud fade....It's on the leaf steam on a few of the leafs ....can't really do any harm i shouldn't think it was only a tiny little misting...But yeah I'm really excited now with the girls and have to make myself busy during lights on otherwise I'd be camping out in the grow room lol...Hope all is going well for you mate....:weed:


Well-Known Member
Thanks bud, I know what you mean, I try to limit myself to about 8 little visits a night, lol, hey my next seed order is going to be TGA Subcool Timewreck and Sensi NL X Big Bud. sounds familiar hey?


Well-Known Member
Hey mate that sub-cool knows his stuff....Thinking about trying some of his seed's myself....Ive just been given 10 blue cheese so i'm gonna have a bash at that first lol once i shift all the clones Ive took....If i get busted Ive shot it with all the plants Ive got lol....:lol: Hey mate defo do a journal your next grow ...wanna see how them strain's come on....Been looking at them aeroponics system's ....might have a bash at building a small one...You seen hygrohybrids rdwc diy tut on u-tube set check it out mate....

Prepare to be amazed mate....


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I know the magic of dwc, one of mine is dwc (and looks like yielding twice what the others will) but it's not for me, unfortunately. Yes I will do a journal next time for shore bud. Take care.


Well-Known Member
I watched a bit of it mate, watch rest tomoro, its real late here haha, 2 pounds a plant, wtf. Hey where you live would be well suited to dwc. Help keep the res temps cool. That was my main prob.


Well-Known Member
Week 3 update.....few nice pics...Imo..

Just a few pics not much has happened ...Buds are exploding from all over the plants now ...Temps ran into 83's today so i was trying to sort that....UK is getting hot now long sunny days ahead...anyways here's the pics...Any advice please feel free....Do these buds look OK for 3 wk since i flipped to 12/12 and 2 wks ago they first popped out ??? Thanks guys....real happy at moment with the way things are growing...
Big Bud xxl wk3 start (2).jpgBIG BUD xxl wk3 start.jpgS6300042.jpgS6300043.jpgS6300044.jpgS6300046.jpgS6300049.jpgS6300050.jpgTrain wreck wk 1 flower.jpgTrain wreck wk3 start.jpg


Well-Known Member
Loooing great mate! your are on your way to a very happy harvest! they look to be indica mainly, My favorite! How many do you have total..did you top? if you did already skip this but if you don't know how to top, you should research Topping You can increase from one cola to 2 to 4!! which make your Yield Much higher not to metion the Colas have the most THC and they are the bud that say with daddy (the grower :) ) Anyway mate, Keep us updated. If this is your first you deff. have a GREEN THUMP Good bye and Stay High! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys ....nice one...
PeaceGrow yes mate i topped a few of them in veg and did a few just before flip ...I just put 9 into flower 4 Bigbud xxl and 5 Train wreck...It's my first grow and fingers crossed Ive been lucky up to major issue's ...I'm a big follower of less is more has its easy to add nutes ,water and all them additives if and when she needs advice to follow to be honest...Ive read till my eyes bleed and then put it into practice has they say....Thanks for popping by mate....
Critical Thanks bro for popping in ....How's the girls coming along they gotta be swelling fat now aint they??? I shall keep my eyes open for updates....My internet went down for 2 days so if Ive missed an update let me know mate...:weed:


Well-Known Member
no mate you haven't missed anything. But they are getting fatter now! Might go 60 days. Cheers. edit: just did a little update


Well-Known Member
Thought i best update the thread with some night time shot's of the little girlies ...I'm just half way into week 5 so let me know how you's think these are looking for this stage ...This is my first grow and I'm real happy how things have gone so far...
Big Bud cola city lol.jpgBig Bud Cola.jpgBig Bud Top view.jpgBig Bud xxl front row and rest Train Wreck.jpgS6300086.jpgS6300087.jpgS6300088.jpgS6300089.jpgS6300094.jpgS6300095.jpgS6300096.jpgS6300097.jpgTrain Wreck Top view.jpgTrain Wreck.jpg
Sorry pictures aint super clear but its the best i can do ...Thanks for viewing guys....:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks a lot mate ...They look loads better in the dark i must say....Thanks for the great comment....Have your girls finished yet? If not they must be real close now?....


Well-Known Member
I need to dish some rep out has i still can't send you any and i owe you some for your last post's....Ive been topping one of the big buds for when i put it in the aqua farm so once its in and ready to go size wise for flower i shall post a picture...


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are all done mate got about 8.5 ounce of the 4, the next I want to 'try' to get about 4 ounce each. You don't need to rep me, enjoy the next few weeks :)


Well-Known Member
Hey!!! Thats great news mate...Well done that's a nice harvest for your first grow ...Things can only get better mate with the love and work you put into them girlies I'm sure your next shall be has good....:clap:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's not about yield for me, though I was very happy with what I got, the quality is A+ and I have learnt a lot and have a bit more confidence going forward, so I am very pleased.