Intolerable "Diversity"


Well-Known Member
I found this quote, and I wanted to share…

“The University of Delaware subjects students in its residence halls to a shocking program of ideological reeducation that is referred to in the university’s own materials as a “treatment” for students’ incorrect attitudes and beliefs. The Orwellian program requires the approximately 7,000 students in Delaware’s residence halls to adopt highly specific university-approved views on issues ranging from politics to race, sexuality, sociology, moral philosophy, and environmentalism.”

I found this on a really great site, FIRE - Foundation for Individual Rights in Education . What these guys do is defend the First Amendment rights of college students. If you are looking for some righteous indignation, check these guys out.
But their work is not what I want to discuss. I want get to the issue of “University approved views”. I went to college and I have a Liberal Arts degree from a respected school. I studied Writing and History, and the issue of Diversity Education was a daily topic. In the stacks of required books one must read to get a Writing degree at my Alma Mater, very few of them were written by white male authors. A theme of oppression and struggle ran through the entire reading list. My History classes were much the same. I don’t protest having a curriculum involving “minority” history or “minority” literature, but when those perspectives become the overwhelming majority of material, I think the problem someone was trying to fix became a whole new problem.

I believe that it is vital for Cultures to respect one another, and to acknowledge that the ruling culture of our society, for centuries, has oppressed people of different shades or sex. They still do and it is an uphill fight to erase such an ingrained idea.
But it must also be acknowledged that the method in which people became “programmed” to accept racism is the same method often used to program us to reject racism, or homophobia, or sexism, etc. Something about that doesn’t sit well with me.

As a white man, I am going to be more swayed to reject racism by watching a Klan rally than I would be swayed by listening to a Cultural Auditor give a lecture on why I should be ashamed of being White. I’m not ashamed of the race I come from, nor do I feel a shred of “White Guilt”. The reason a Klan rally would repulse me is because I can see both sides of the argument and see that their reasoning is just not logical.

Fighting against an accepted ideal is just fucking stupid. However, attempting to take an opposing viewpoint and extolling its virtues over the other is the very backbone of educated opinion. Don’t tell me that I’m wrong; explain to me why you are right.

I think that if we look at the core reason for racism, it comes down to a primitive fear of the unknown. 30,000 years ago, if you were living in a tribe of similar people and an obvious outsider showed up, you’d be right to be skeptical of him. More than likely, he was there to steal your shit and take over your territory, killing you and all you love in the process. I mean, if you were African during the Slave Trade days, you’d be very prudent to fear white skin. Does that make them racist? Of course not.

With the Information Age, the face of Culture is changing. It isn’t about family or skin color; it’s about music and political agendas. A person who is intimidated by Snoop Dogg might not feel the same way about Colin Powell or Bill Cosby. It’s culture, not color, which is the cause of all this mistrust. However, in the fight for diversity and harmony, the solution has been to silence those opposing voices rather than explain why they are bad. Universities and workplaces basically force people into submitting into a particular way of thinking. Whether that thinking is right or wrong, it’s still counterproductive to a society to limit free thinking, especially in a University.
Really what it comes down to is that Diversity Education tells people who are African-American, Female, Homosexual, etc, that ‘you are not strong enough to handle the real world. We are going to coddle you because we believe you are too weak to deal with being offended.’
I remember being in a class about the propaganda campaigns of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. It was run by a Women’s Studies professor who was a very vocal protester in the women’s right’s movement.
One day, a young girl asked the teacher, “I don’t understand why Hitler was so aggressive if he only had one testicle.”

The teacher thought about it, and laughed, wondering why herself. I was offended, but I was a white male, and when I protested it, I was shot down, being told to “just drop it”.
Whatever. I think the concept of Diversity is just the new Affirmative Action of the mind. We need to accept that others have ideas which we don’t agree with. The real responsibility is on the individual, not society—to find the strength to actually listen to many differing opinions and form our own, rather than adopt University Approved beliefs.


New Member
Uncle Sunny ...

You've written an excellent piece there. I believe our universities ... and our public school systems in general have evolved into Marxist indoctrination centers. Its been a rather slow process for the education establishment to arrive at the place they are at now.

I'm old enough to have seen the whole process take place, and old enough to remember how American history was taught during the 1940s. This gave me a comparison to act from. Because of this knowledge, I sacrificed like hell to send my kids to private schools. They in turn sent my grand children through private schools. My grand daughter is in her third year of college now ... and believe me, she knows propaganda bullshit when she hears it.

Thanks for the very well thought out writing you posted. Man, we need a lot more of that here in the forum.



Well-Known Member
I agree fully with the estimable Mr. on post UncleSunny!!

excerpted from Uncle's post:
It’s culture, not color

IMO this is the crux of the debate regarding race relations in US.
It is unfortunate that many among us do not recognize this truth.


Well-Known Member
I have always wondered why we should think white men have a right to in effect rule everyone else. One of the things I have noticed is no matter the skin color, lighter is thought to be better by those of that same skin color. No group seems to be 'color blind'. VV


Well-Known Member
I have always wondered why we should think white men have a right to in effect rule everyone else. One of the things I have noticed is no matter the skin color, lighter is thought to be better by those of that same skin color. No group seems to be 'color blind'. VV
One possible reason White men seem to rule everyone else is that a long time ago, white men developed advanced technologies that others at that time did not have. Whites had guns and ships that could circumnavigate the globe. They made a lot of money, I mean A LOT, and actively kept others out, even to the point of using science to "prove" their racial superiority. They had the money, they had the guns and prisons to shut you up if you disagreed. They also had the ability to put out propaganda convincing people that the Jews, Blacks, whatever, were evil simpletons. I still wonder how they got around the fact that their main savior was Jewish, but I digress.
I hear ya on how certain ideas of beauty relate to lighter skin...I have heard many of my male black friends opinions on lighter skinned women (both white and black), and they seem to find lighter girls prettier. I dunno. On the flip side, Ginger kids and Albinos freak some people out.
I think it really shows that for all of our Free Will, we are still victims of the world we live in. A world that has been inundated with ideas of beauty. I mean, seriously, no lie, about 100 years ago, A woman like Rosie O'Donald would have generally been seen to be more attractive than a woman like Jessica Alba. There is no accounting for taste, nor is there a viable reason for racism.


New Member
My Mom, who happened to be from the South, told me the reason was that White people were more intelligent than Black people. Even as a little boy that never computed in my brain. ~lol~



Well-Known Member
One day, a young girl asked the teacher, “I don’t understand why Hitler was so aggressive if he only had one testicle.”

The teacher thought about it, and laughed, wondering why herself. I was offended, but I was a white male, and when I protested it, I was shot down, being told to “just drop it”.
Whatever. I think the concept of Diversity is just the new Affirmative Action of the mind.
Hey i was all with u buddy until u got to this part. There's nothing wrong with being a proud white male, I'm a proud white male myself, being that I'm 75% white. But why would u be offended that hitler only had one testicle? that was funny as hell. And why are u so defensive about it? your quote I was offended, but I was a white male, shows u only think in terms of skin color. Why do u think u were shot down just b/c your white? Maybe it was b/c your a racist? or b/c u were sticking up for Hitler, the worst human being to ever live. I'm currently taking a race relations class at my CC. I stick up for white people too when I think it's necessary. What VV said about all races not being color-blind is spot-on. My mom is half philipino so I've been to the Phillipines a few times. And beauty there is based on how white their skin is, the lighter the better. They actually have procedures done there to whiten there skin. And the same thing with black women here, the lighter there complexion the more beautiful they are percieved by society. And i told my class this stuff, I didn't get shot down, everyone thought I was dead-right. People can tell if your racist or not by the way you come across, maybe U should just work on that and not be so defensive and paranoid.


Well-Known Member
I have always wondered why we should think white men have a right to in effect rule everyone else. One of the things I have noticed is no matter the skin color, lighter is thought to be better by those of that same skin color. No group seems to be 'color blind'. VV
QFT :blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah, and the white people seemed to overlook the advances of other culteres. say, respect, spirituality, understanding of nature. uhh..wait respect. and uhm. did i say respect? cause the white/western/occidental culture seems to have lost that entire's just a word now, and nobody really practices it out of habit, and if they do, it's only towards a select few, not towards everything and anything. fricken artards. you may not like your enemies, but if you can respect them then that's one step towards an agreement. respect needs to be practiced and natural, not fricken superimposed and forced.


Well-Known Member
Hey i was all with u buddy until u got to this part. There's nothing wrong with being a proud white male, I'm a proud white male myself, being that I'm 75% white. But why would u be offended that hitler only had one testicle? that was funny as hell. And why are u so defensive about it? your quote I was offended, but I was a white male, shows u only think in terms of skin color. Why do u think u were shot down just b/c your white? Maybe it was b/c your a racist? or b/c u were sticking up for Hitler, the worst human being to ever live. I'm currently taking a race relations class at my CC. I stick up for white people too when I think it's necessary. What VV said about all races not being color-blind is spot-on. My mom is half philipino so I've been to the Phillipines a few times. And beauty there is based on how white their skin is, the lighter the better. They actually have procedures done there to whiten there skin. And the same thing with black women here, the lighter there complexion the more beautiful they are percieved by society. And i told my class this stuff, I didn't get shot down, everyone thought I was dead-right. People can tell if your racist or not by the way you come across, maybe U should just work on that and not be so defensive and paranoid.

Okay, sorry if I didn't get that point across the way I wanted to. The reason that I was pointing out being a White Male was that, as I said, my professor was an activist involved in feminist rights. What offended me about the statement was the implication that testicles are the sole source of aggression. If the girl was joking, I really wouldn't be bringing it up all these years later. It was a gentle stab at Men in general, but what offended me was this particular professor was one of those extremists who felt being called "hon" by a male is sexual harassment.
I was trying to show that even those people who are "diversity" activists can be hypocritical in their speech. I mean, imagine if I had asked this same professor how Margret Thatcher ran England from the stove...she would be none amused, but the one testicle jab was acceptable...

Sorry the Hitler reference was confusing...I really don't support the man, in fact, my ancestors were Hungarian Gypsies, two of whom died in the camps, as well as a grandfather who died at Normandy under Nazi fire. I appreciate your enthusiasm to "tackle the racist" on the first sign of possible redneckery; you illustrated my point very well. But I assure you, when it comes down to it, outside of Me and Mine, I really, really don't give a fuck about anybody enough to hate them. I value a person who can impress me on a peer level or higher. That is all that I can say; if that does make me a racist, so be it, but I would disagree.


Well-Known Member
I get what your saying. I also agree Universities should not be imposing their beliefs on students. That doesn't work anyways. It is up to the individual to make up their own minds on what they think about diversity, other races,etc. Trying to tell people how to think, even if it's correct, will just backfire on them in the long run.


Well-Known Member
I get what your saying. I also agree Universities should not be imposing their beliefs on students. That doesn't work anyways. It is up to the individual to make up their own minds on what they think about diversity, other races,etc. Trying to tell people how to think, even if it's correct, will just backfire on them in the long run.
I agree. People should make up their mind about the world through their own experience, not a party line. I think that one of the saddest parts of western culture is that we never stop to reflect on what's going on in our lives. Not so much full-blown meditation or anything, just sitting in silence and thinking about what is going on around them. The party line gets in there, the programming of agendas, and we accept it because that is easier than thinking.

Sorry to get all free-your-mind on ya, I'm really fucking high.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to get all free-your-mind on ya, I'm really fucking high.:blsmoke:
Don't worry about it, I enjoy that type of thinking especially when I'm high:blsmoke:
I know this sounds cliche but I really think getting high helps u to think outside the box. Which is why I think stoners are less likely to just accept something without questioning it


New Member
Sounds interesting. When I went to college they wrote on stone tablets ~LOL~, no really, it was all about the Viet Nam War and racism then, 66-72, Remember, they had the draft, and students were pretty worried they'd end up as cannon fodder. The Blacks were just coming into their own with educated views, (Before these times, there were very few blacks in white universities) and the whites were embracing them, I think MJ helped in this respect, and certainly the music of the era. I have no knowledge of current university dogma, but nothing would surprise me.


New Member
it's sad that a program of thought control is suggested as a fix toward uniting mankind.

this is an elitist idea. for better control of the masses. it's sad that universities are adopting it, though.

there is no need to tell people what to think if you teach them tolerance, which i think is being taught, as a rule. between high science and even the internet, tolerance is being understood. we have a black male and a white lady in the run for the presidency, for goodness sake. rascim has improved and will continue to improve worldwide- if the government stops waging wars. peace between difference races or creeds can only be achieved by a laying down of arms.

so, teach children tolerance and moderation when they are young, and you wont need to attempt to manipulate their minds when they reach college.


New Member
it's sad that a program of thought control is suggested as a fix toward uniting mankind.

this is an elitist idea. for better control of the masses. it's sad that universities are adopting it, though.

there is no need to tell people what to think if you teach them tolerance, which i think is being taught, as a rule. between high science and even the internet, tolerance is being understood. we have a black male and a white lady in the run for the presidency, for goodness sake. rascim has improved and will continue to improve worldwide- if the government stops waging wars. peace between difference races or creeds can only be achieved by a laying down of arms.

so, teach children tolerance and moderation when they are young, and you wont need to attempt to manipulate their minds when they reach college.
There are always the bad seeds. Take gangs. The poverty worldwide has forced young males in poverty areas to join a gang for their own protection from gang members. Kind of like how the legitimate world works. People Join organizations and put up with mind wash because they are protected from worse circumstances, like Chaos, or other worse governments (Dictatorships). The whole world can be interpreted through Gang philosophy. There is always a strongman leader that has the most power and money, and he will tell everyone in that gang the rules, like our government tells us the rules. The price of entry into our government gang, is income tax, unless you are a leader then they are only made to pay a token amount so the people wont rebel against them.


New Member
Ahhh Haaaa ... Now I think I get it. Poverty causes gangs. ~lol~ Prior to this little gem the socalists tried to convince us that poverty causes crime. ~lol~



New Member
Ahhh Haaaa ... Now I think I get it. Poverty causes gangs. ~lol~ Prior to this little gem the socalists tried to convince us that poverty causes crime. ~lol~

If you disagree that poverty is not an influence on the formation of gangs, please explain why not. And just for your ignorant amusement, I postulate that poverty does cause crime. Poor people want the same things as rich people but lack the funds to acquire them, hence criminal enterprise is born. Are you really that stupid?


New Member
Ahhh Haaaa ... Now I think I get it. Poverty causes gangs. ~lol~ Prior to this little gem the socalists tried to convince us that poverty causes crime. ~lol~

yeah, you're gonna have to back this one up with more info. poverty does breed crime and gangs; because crime pays. and if you're poor- i guess nothing else is paying.

although, the big money in government also breeds crime.

by the way, its not a single facet. not everyone poor becomes a crook. not every polition turns corrupt. we know that. but poverty and crime are related. i'm not sure where the argument lies.


New Member
Do a little research. What was the crime rate per capita during the Great Depression of the 1930s compared to today? I think you all will be suprised. While you're at it, also compare the illegitimate birth rate of African-Americans in the 1930s-1950s to today.

Crime is not a poverty issue. Crime is a moral issue.
