Invasion of the suck puppets

Last guy that said that to me was after I interrogated him; I still threw him outta the copter
I guess I had been out of the military a few years and my brother-in-law asked me about a date tattooed on me. I said it was a special date and personal, not to ask again.

He goes on about how he thought that in the military they make you shoot some poor hobo to toughen you up or something. I laughed and told him he watched too many movies.
Back when I was bartending in FL I had a lady that came in every week and ate a raw burger.. still on a bun with tomato and lettuce. And she looked real good for her age. She was in her 50's and looked like low 30s
I was working as a cook at a steak house. Guy comes in and wants a rare steak. I cook it rare. The waitress brought it to me and said it was over cooked. She said put it on the grill and flip it a couple times.

The bone came back looking purple it was so raw. The guy loved it.
Back when I was bartending in FL I had a lady that came in every week and ate a raw burger.. still on a bun with tomato and lettuce. And she looked real good for her age. She was in her 50's and looked like low 30s
When we start our bar, we will give people like her free drinks. SF can barback, and GG can strip for nickles/quarters. Dia can be the manager. I don't trust either of us to run a respectable enterprise without a female presence. But, the jukebox will totally have choice shit like eydea and johnny cash, the cramps, and shit...