New Member
Just like Hilary was getting a percentage of the female vote because of her gender.
But as we have seen, race trumps sex. Hopefully people look at the facts before mindlessly voting based on such trivial reasons.
Every Obama supporter I have met has been unable to provide any kind of viable argument for awarding him their vote. When questioned upon what they think about his varies stances on taxes, reduction of military, increasing of useless social programs and ect I am usually met with confused yet defiant expressions. He is a fad, with the word "change" like it means something. He is nothing without a script to read from, and McCain will destroy him in a debate. You watch.
That's been my experience also ... including here in this forum. O'Bama is running on a platform of "Hope" and "Change."Can any of you guys who are intent upon voting for O'Bama state what the "Changes" will be, and what he's "Hoping" for?