iron (Fe) toxicity, is it a plant killer?


New Member
hey guys, yesterday I threw some semi organic iron solution to my pots and I woke up today and my little ones were totally a mess!! curled leaves inside, seems very weak, all leaves are down, brown/black/red spots in leaves! additional info: not yellow, not crispy, no pests,no deficiencies,outside grow, 4 months in veg...

any help to save my plants will be appreciated!! thanks in advance..



Well-Known Member
I guess the only questions I have are, what made you just "throw" in a solution? Was there an issue already there?



Yah that doesn't look too good man, maybe try flushing them or something and see what happens in the next day or so. what product did you use exactly, hoe much, and why did you use it?


New Member
thanks all for your answers...! :) I saw iron deficiencies (100% sure) and i added only 1 cup in 50lt pots... Well, i guess they didnt want that particular product...:/ Today they seem to be in a better shape! At least the leaves and branches don't hang anymore and they are stronger but crispy in 80%! I hope they will survive... I overwatered yesterday to clear any iron left in the pots and maybe that could save them... (i hope)


Keep flushing the plants, that would definitely help them continue to recover. Might make a full recovery.