Irrational Fears


Well-Known Member
so i had to get a measuring spoon out of the garbage disposal the other day and even though the switch is like 3 feet away with no one by it i was afraid (not terrified or anything but wary) it would turn on and eat my hand lol too many horror movies i guess

anyone have these types of irrational fears? or am i crazier then i think i am?:evil:


Well-Known Member
I have plenty of irrational fears. I'm afraid of clowns. I'm afraid to step on bugs because I have this fear that the bug will be like, crazy fast and it'll dodge the blow and then climb up my foot...

But the worst is probably my fear of dolls. Any kind of dolls. I don't just walk around afraid of dolls, but like, I can't stand to be in a room with a lot of dolls. My great grandma gave me a bunch of porcelain dolls, and my mother put them up around my room when I was a kid. I could NOT sleep, because I swear to God, they were all staring at me, and I was sure they would kill my in my sleep.

I mean, I'm an adult, I KNOW dolls aren't alive. But I still can't stand to go to bed with a fucking doll staring at me. The only way it could get any worse is if it were a CLOWN doll...


Well-Known Member
Jaid, I am always wary of putting hand down there too and if I have tongs handy, I'll use them instead. The manual I got with my waste disposal advised taping switch down if you had to put your hand down there, and that seems even more paranoid than just being wary so I wouldn't worry too much. Since I started growing however, I've found all my excessive worries focussed on getting caught so maybe it's all a matter of relativity.


Well-Known Member
Some of those porcelain dolls are crazy looking
*tackles sgtpeppr to the ground and smothers him in rep love*

Hell yes! And their EYES look alive...I was so scared of those dolls, I finally just gathered them all up and threw them in my closet. Then I went to brush my teeth and what not before bed. I came back to my room, turned off the light and hopped into bed.

Like, a MINUTE after I got into bed, which was directly across from my closet, I was looking at my closet, sitting there trippin, thinking the dolls will kill me easier now cuz I helped them down from the yeah, pretty much laying there, staring at the closet, scared, when all of a sudden the closet door begins to OPEN.

OMG, my heart straight STOPPED for AT LEAST a few seconds...then my brothers came tumbling out of the closet laughing cuz they knew they'd scared me. Bastards


Well-Known Member
So what's YOUR irrational fear?

The first thing that jump to mind was that I will not live the life I am meant to......even though I don't believe that at all. It's funny how your ego tries to slip shit in under the radar.

I always have a respectful fear of electricity and gas...but sometimes even when they are off or not connected....I guess that's irrational.


Well-Known Member
THE OCEAN! I have a respectful fear of the ocean, lol, your phrasing made me think of it. Like the waves at Zuma (in CA) are fucking CRAZY, I was seriously scared at a few points...

But yeah, when I'm in the water, I have this huge fear of sharks. If I'm out in open water, I'm just sitting there thinking about what's under me, looking up at my feet, dangling just waiting to be bitten off...


Well-Known Member
bridges too, if i have to go over a big bridge over water i just know its going to fall apart and dump me in, stomach is in my throat all the way across...

the last time i clamped down on the fiances leg with my hand and accidently caught a ball poor baby lol


Well-Known Member
I love the water...but there is always that thought in the back of your this current faster than I can swim??


Well-Known Member
Jaid, lol, for me, instead of bridges, it's tunnels! I'm always so sure that when I go IN, it'll collapse on me and I'll die. Or worse, I'll be trapped and die SLOWLY.

And sgt, lol, I never really think about the current until it HAS me. lol, THEN i'm like, oh fuck, oh fuck...


Well-Known Member
I sometimes wish I would get stuck in a collapsed tunnel so I find my way out like Sylvester Stallone :)


Well-Known Member
fuck THAT. I'm WAY too claustrophobic for that. I mean, if I were in a bums cardboard mansion (don't know why I'd be in there, but just IF) and THAT collapsed on me, I'd probably freak out. I'd probably die of fear before rescue workers could reach me....


Well-Known Member
THE OCEAN! I have a respectful fear of the ocean, lol, your phrasing made me think of it. Like the waves at Zuma (in CA) are fucking CRAZY, I was seriously scared at a few points...

But yeah, when I'm in the water, I have this huge fear of sharks. If I'm out in open water, I'm just sitting there thinking about what's under me, looking up at my feet, dangling just waiting to be bitten off...
Waves can be pretty harsh even as a grown man in waist deep water. Some of the beaches have a nice undertow to them and that's scary as fuck, when you can feel yourself being pulled under and out to see.

When I was in like 4th grade, me, my mom, and my brother went to hawaii and I got into some crazy waves near a bunch of rocks. I was on my boogie board and kept getting closer and closer to these rocks and the waves kept getting bigger and bigger. End result, my brother came out, grabbed me, held me over his head while he was under water, and walked me to shore. Man, I love my brother.:):blsmoke: