Is a nasty cold going around?


Active Member
Almost every one of my friends is sick this week. They are all skipping work with sore throats and spitting up green mucus. Never before have I seen so many of my buddies complaining about colds at the same time. Apparently, I am not alone.

Who here is sick?


Active Member
I have to admit i caught a cold too. I don't usually get sick that often, weird. I have also noticed a bunch of people sick as well. Get well soon!


Master of Mayhem
Cold......more like the fuckin bird flu man. Alot of my coworkers went to Vegas a couple weeks ago and brought that shit back with them. It took out just about the whole damn company. I was sick for 2 fuckin weeks man. However this was the cause for me to quit smoking so at least I got something good out of it.

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Time to call in the National Guard and quarantine your township, Bro!

Tell your manager to tell the janitors to clean the fukkin' doorhandles and waterfountains and put out handsanitizer and stuff.