Is all ok


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is my first grow, and I had some promblem and had thought I got it all worked out and the it has been flowering for about 8 weeks now.

It from bag seed and the leafs were hugh at first now they seem to shrivel up and starting look limpish. I run 2/3 strength nutes with ro water and cal mag. I have 2 55w cfl and a 150w hps.

Any help would be appreiceated. I notice all the hairs on the lower level are gettingt brown but the top still all white.



Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn to me.....bump
Yea, that why i lowered it 2/3rds after i ran pure whater for 3-4 days in my hydro system. Maybe I will try it and pure water reduce to half strength. Been using the pure blend bloom and seem to get the nutes just right. My pepper plants seem to be doing find, just not my lady.