is any 1 using a cooltube ????????????

phil le b

Well-Known Member
hi ya guys in my room if i keep the door shut the temp gose up to 90 not good so thinking about getting a cooltube with a 5" fan to keep bulb cool want to no how much the temp will go down and how much close will i b able to take the light down to i have it at 18" atm cant move it any closer cuz light is to hot so any info on cooltubes wood b great :confused:


Well-Known Member
you can have the the cooltube sitting about 10cm's away from it without the plants noticing it.... :)

well... here its like that... 9cm's and your allready in the yellow zone..

5cm's.. your stupid !!!!!! :D

nah i dont know if your stupid or not, beause i only have a 360cfm fan blowin the air OUT ( sucking ) of the cooltubes.... and yeah i must say temps are at 24-26 with the sommer coming... in the winter i have temps at about 21-22.....