Is Biden really that bad?

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Whats funny about it? Many an instance of goethermal projects causing towns to evacuate, and earthquakes. People died, like in Pohang.

The lava flows that were in Hawaii a few years back, that wiped out properties.. there was nearby plant which is likely what caused it.
Can you explain how the Pohang thing was caused by drilling? I suspect it was due to the high pressure fluid injection …….. I’m sure you’ve heard of fracking tremors?
Eventually they will allow the liberals to legally reproduce via artificial wombs, in special labs across the country. You can pick all the traits you want your child to have right on a phone app, kinda like ordering a pizza.

Someone will intercept a light rail train shipment of frozen embryos, and replace them with cloned ones from a different lab.

64,000 expecting families will soon find out, that they all just signed off on a brand new baby clone of Donald Trump.
what strain are you smoking?.....
Whats funny about it? Many an instance of goethermal fracking projects causing towns to evacuate, and earthquakes. People died, like in Pohang.

The lava flows that were in Hawaii a few years back, that wiped out properties.. there was nearby plant which is likely what caused it.
You misspelled "fracking"...
edit: corrected
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On a tangent,

the tiny tale of a sex offender being administered the Rorschach test. For each and every picture he described violent and graphic sexual content. This startled the administrating psychiatrist into exclaiming “wow! You really are obsessed with deviant perversions!” To which the subject replied:

Gosh, Doc, you’re the one showing me all the dirty pictures!

Ed Kemper used to help administer psychological tests on other inmates while he was in prison
Mt Saint Helens started rumbling, right after they bored 2 deep holes into it a few years ago, looking for potential. Crazy fuckers wanna tap it for power too, lol.

I remember watching that thing blow from Beaverton Oregon. Damn ash rained on us a few hours later.

I was skateboarding down the street leaving a dust trail. Dogtown board, Tracker trucks, and red 70mm Krypto's. Fun times. It was a good time to be young.
Whats funny about it? Many an instance of goethermal projects causing towns to evacuate, and earthquakes. People died, like in Pohang.

The lava flows that were in Hawaii a few years back, that wiped out properties.. there was nearby plant which is likely what caused it.

not one single mention of the eruption being caused by the geothermal plant...not one...not even brought up as a possiblity.
know why? cause it's not a possibility. that plant has about the same effect on that tectonic region as 20 fat guys jumping up and down in unison.

not one single mention of the eruption being caused by the geothermal plant...not one...not even brought up as a possiblity.
know why? cause it's not a possibility. that plant has about the same effect on that tectonic region as 20 fat guys jumping up and down in unison.
my mistake, one site did bring it up as a possibility...their conclusion?

"I think we can confidently enough answer "no".
From the report "Eruptions of Hawaiian Volcanoes—Past, Present, and Future" (Tilling et al. 2010):
Kilauea eruptions occur either at its summit or within two well-defined swaths (called rift zones) that radiate from the summit.
In the same report, you can see those rift zones on the map page 3, or on the sketch of the plumbing system page 24. Most lava flows are emplaced along these rift zones. For instance, look at this map of the 1955 eruption:
Vents and lava flows from the Kilauea eruption of 1955
Vents and lava flows from the Kīlauea eruption of 1955 superimposed on a USGS topographic map of the lower Puna region. (Credit: Trusdell, Frank. Public domain.)
You can see that the flows were emplaced in a zone very similar to the 2018 eruption. Apparently the power plant opened in 1993, and the first exploratory wells were drilled in 1961—62, so after this event.
Actually, the rift zones are in the lava flow hazard zone 1, i.e., the most severe. The zone is defined as follow by Mullineaux et al. (1987) (emphasis added):
Zone 1 consists of the summit areas and active parts of the rift zones of Kilauea and Mauna Loa; in those areas, 25 percent or more of the land surface has been covered by lava within historical time, during the 19th and 20th centuries. These areas contain the sites of most historical eruptions, and a large majority of the lava flows that will affect other zones on Kilauea and Mauna Loa in the near future probably will originate in zone 1.
So the real question is: why was the plant (and estates...) built in an area well known for lava flow hazards?!

To conclude, by researching the plant I found that it is actually where people accidentally drilled through a magma pocket for the first time (Teplow et al. 2009)! They hit a pocket of dacite; it did not trigger an eruption. This happened later in Iceland: this time, they even used it as an experimental well (there is a whole issue of Geothermics on this). Again, no eruption."

and this as well...
"October 2021 Update
I just came upon a USGS report called "Have Humans Influenced Volcanic Activity on the Lower East Rift Zone of Kīlauea Volcano? A Publication Review" (Kauahikaua and Trusdell 2020), which asks (and answers) exactly the same question:
Questions about the relation between human activity or developments and active Hawaiian volcanoes usually are raised during eruptions. These concerns often regard the location of an industrial development, like a geothermal power generation facility, on a volcano (for example, Big Island Video News, 2019; Firozi, 2018). Since the 2018 eruption, the topic of whether commercial developments not only caused the eruption to occur in Kīlaueaʻs lower East Rift Zone (LERZ), but also caused it to erupt with a higher-than-normal rate has been a subject of public discussion.
They examined the past activity of the volcano (location, volume, frequency... of past eruptions), and compared it to the 2018 eruption, concluding (emphasis added):
There are no obvious effects of human activity on eruptions of Kīlauea volcano. There have been no significant changes due to human activity in patterns or trends of deformation or seismicity in the lower East Rift Zone in the last 35–50 years (before and during geothermal operations). The frequency and intensity of eruptions are variable, but it would be difficult to demonstrate a definitive change due to human activity. [...] We find no evidence to support claims that human activity triggered or influenced the 2018 lower East Rift Zone eruption. The 2018 eruption was caused by injection of magma downrift from Puʻu ʻŌʻō and the summit of Kīlauea. The event fits a pattern of activity that has occurred many times previously on the East Rift Zone and is within the range of normal behavior for Kīlauea Volcano.
So again the answer is "no", but the USGS is a source a bit more authoritative than me!"
My friend Bruce Faddis was killed in the eruption while he was visiting his friend Harry Truman at Spirit Lake Lodge- 2 days earlier we were drinking beer and shooting pool at the B-Bar-B tavern in Sisters, OR
I was out in my backyard in Seattle and saw a HUGE mushroom cloud to the south towards Ft Lewis army base and thought the worst. I had a friend in Seattle that had on cabin along one of the rivers near there and he had a beautiful view of Mt St Helens from his front porch. But after the eruption there was no longer any mountain in the view, the part he could see was gone. He said it was the weirdest feeling without it there in the view as it was a family cabin that he been going to since he was a little kid.
I cant prove that voter fraud took place, no. But does that mean we dont need to know who is actually voting when they vote? Of course we do, that information is vital.
We do know who votes. I've worked in the election business and know how it works. Every machine is tested before every election. Every vote is accounted for. After the election there are random audits that double check the machines. But the redhat crowd does it's own research, so they are easy to deceive.

And the voter suppression the GOP is counting on to keep their minority rule is a double edged sword. Making it harder to vote will hurt under educated folks the most. While the goal is to keep black and brown folks from the polls, a lot of GOP faithful will be swept up with them.
. . . . . . . . government. . . . . . is way too big getting there nose in everyones business. . . . . . . .
I know you will find this hard to believe, but some state governments are still putting folks in cages for smoking flowers. They are restricting what drugs doctors can use to treat their patients. They are even restricting what can be taught in schools. And some are trying to tell people what they can do with their own bodies. It's crazy how intrusive these state governments can be. Freedom loving folks should vote them out.

And it go's on and on. Conspiracy? haha
Mexico is heating faster because of all the friction on the ground. It is caused by migrants fleeing the country.
We do know who votes. I've worked in the election business and know how it works. Every machine is tested before every election. Every vote is accounted for. After the election there are random audits that double check the machines. But the redhat crowd does it's own research, so they are easy to deceive.

And the voter suppression the GOP is counting on to keep their minority rule is a double edged sword. Making it harder to vote will hurt under educated folks the most. While the goal is to keep black and brown folks from the polls, a lot of GOP faithful will be swept up with them.

I am sorry but there is no way on earth anybody is going to convince me that voter ID is racist. All students have ID, all people on disability also have ID. I never met anybody in my life without one, because you cant get a job or an apartment without ID. Cant open a utility or a bank account either. Anybody on welfare gets a state ID too, so no I dont get it. I would like to know who all these poor ghosts we are protecting are(the ones with no ID and no ID access).

Its not only the voting polls and machines, its also the no ID required mail in voting, a free for all. If there really was a serious lack of ID, and democrats truly wanted a fair and honest election....the issue would be addressed in Joe Bidens next spending package. We both know that will never happen, and we both know there is no reason on earth anybody who wants to vote cant get an ID. ID is not making it harder to vote, it is preserving the integrity of the election. There is no reason for anybody not to want this(both blue and red) unless you want to preserve the ability to cheat.
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. . . . . . . . . . . . Too easy to mail in a million phony votes with no ID. Thats what happened to Trump last election. He was winning all day and all night. Next thing you know there is a massive 3 AM vote dump, all Biden votes.
I assume you don't read the Atlantic? This story was before the election. The trumpf team has never been too smart. They talked about the plan publicly. Folks talked to reporters about it. The plan all along was to say they won when the early results were in, and try to stop the counting of early and mail votes.

And you guys bought it. If people kept lying to me, I would stop believing what they said after a while.

There is a cohort of close observers of our presidential elections, scholars and lawyers and political strategists, who find themselves in the uneasy position of intelligence analysts in the months before 9/11. As November 3 approaches, their screens are blinking red, alight with warnings that the political system does not know how to absorb. They see the obvious signs that we all see, but they also know subtle things that most of us do not. Something dangerous has hove into view, and the nation is lurching into its path.
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