Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
Biden's numbers after the first year:


It's not perfect, you can cherry pick if you like.

You go ahead and post stock market fluff. I get it. You MAGA fascist types are scared silly when they see Biden's performance on getting people back to work. Be honest, you want 7% unemployed, not 3.9%. You want losses in manufacturing jobs, not 400,000 more in just the first year.

Republicans like to clutch their pearls over 10% rise in murder rates. I would agree, that is an awful number. There is work to be done there. Still, though Republican intransigence is why a mentally ill 18 YO can buy a mass murder weapon and use it on school kids just a few days later. So, yeah, bullshit on the pearl clutching over the rise in murder rates.


Well-Known Member
Biden's numbers after the first year:

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It's not perfect, you can cherry pick if you like.

You go ahead and post stock market fluff. I get it. You MAGA fascist types are scared silly when they see Biden's performance on getting people back to work. Be honest, you want 7% unemployed, not 3.9%. You want losses in manufacturing jobs, not 400,000 more in just the first year.

Republicans like to clutch their pearls over 10% rise in murder rates. I would agree, that is an awful number. There is work to be done there. Still, though Republican intransigence is why a mentally ill 18 YO can buy a mass murder weapon and use it on school kids just a few days later. So, yeah, bullshit on the pearl clutching over the rise in murder rates.
Again... COVID and shit.


Well-Known Member
But seriously, Im not a fan of any Politician, they only want to line thier pockets with whatever agenda lines those pockets... they don't care about you or me. Big Pharma, and the Gov are bed partners. There are only 2 shareholders that control this whole monopoly, and that's BlackRock and Vanguard. Look up any company you want, and look at the top shareholders. Pick one, any one, you're gonna see that they control everything. From oil companies, to clothing , lumber, steel, appliances, food companies, they own the World. .. and we are at the mercy of what they do.
Good. Vanguard is where I put my savings.


Well-Known Member
So what's your point, old timer?
I guess my point is that no matter who is Prez... these top shareholders that own everything we consume, eat, manufacture, build, ... they own it all. .. and they control the market from fuel to pizza. It really has nothing to do with who is the sitting President.


Well-Known Member
I already said im not choosing sides. I don't want 7% unemployment. I want to see it at 0. But, that's not going to happen.
Nah, the both sides bad argument died on Jan 6, 2021. It had worn thin long before that but the mask came off on that day. You either are just a Republican coward who can't face the fact you were wrong or, well, that's about it.


Well-Known Member
I guess my point is that no matter who is Prez... these top shareholders that own everything we consume, eat, manufacture, build, ... they own it all. .. and they control the market from fuel to pizza. It really has nothing to do with who is the sitting President.
Vanguard? Seriously?

Fake conspiracy nut jobs are common these days. Some people believe John Kennedy Jr. is still alive too.
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