Is Biden really that bad?

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There are NO far lefties in the US...There aren't very many slightly lefties...Being to the left of the radical right republicans doesn't make you a leftist, it more than likely makes you a centrist.
Socialism is the state owning the means of production, and the means of distribution...Biden isn't suggesting that. democrats aren't suggesting that.
The closest thing to "leftists" in America are the progressives, and they aren't suggesting that, either.
They only seem that way to you because the people you listen to ARE radical "rightists". They are fascists, not conservatives...
They want to take and keep control, permanently, by force, and they could give a fuck if ANYONE votes for them or not, they only care at the moment because they need to get into office to keep subverting the system with Gerrymandered majorities that should not exist. Once they have enough state legislatures stolen from the citizens, and enough state supreme courts under their control, they'll try to take over again...and then it will come to blood.
to be technical:

socialism involves collective ownership of the means of stuff.

Communism sets up the state as that collective.
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Inflation, Afghanistan, Foreign Policy, Border Crisis, Gas, Green Energy Policy, Crime, ect.................
Let’s start with how is inflation Biden’s fault? Trump gave out all the money. And a lof that free money was given to millionaires.

Afghanistan? Haven’t we been going back there since 9/11? Then we backed out of there without any plan of how to stabilize the country. Who was president when that started?

Border Crisis? What border crisis? Who’s going to do all these jobs that Americans don’t want to do? I can’t even get tacos at my local jack in the box because their isn’t enough workers.

Crime? Oh I forgot we didn’t have crime till biden took office? Your president was committing crimes his entire 4 years. Why do you think the fbi is looking at him? Why does have 34 charges against him? Your party is committing some of the largest crimes in the history of this country.

Gas. Biden does not control gas prices. OPEC does and they just did another production cut. They have us by the balls and they know it. It’s time to cut the cord from them. Without oil they have nothing.

The only chance we ever have of weed not being a crime is Dems take control of areas. Without them it’s still illegal to grow your own weed. You don’t support that for Americans? I do.
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