Is Biden really that bad?

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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
what about beating unity and love into an unconscious officer?

View attachment 5007805

what about the murder of brian sicknick?

you are a white power piece of shit methigan
where are the riot cops with tear gas, rubber slugs, and water cannons when you need them?...they should have hosed these motherfuckers down with all three, drug them all to jail, and hung them the next fucking day...seditious fucking morons


Well-Known Member
a lot of the footage is being saved for the trails.....lock them up
Yawn, if there was anything that spectacular, it would have been leaked long ago. The only reason they're keeping it is to continue to utilize the event politically. It's like Russia collusion, a narrative...


Well-Known Member
Its like this when Bob Woodward is on your ass you must go. How about Google that fucked up Trump university or all the wall money. For chrissakes Steve Bannon was arrested off a Chinese billionaires super yacht. Not to mention all that kung flu shit had China ready to roast us be glad general Millie was on duty..
Lol, Millie's a political hack. More time studying "white rage" than making a real evacuation plan for Afghanistan. Do you really deny it? "I'm interested in learning more about white rage". What a fucking joke...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Gonna put this here. Go man go!
the fucking hammer is rising...i want to be there when it falls


Well-Known Member
A rare

I'll answer your question with a question. Comparing Trump's kids vs Biden's son, who would you trust your kids lives with?
Tiffany, baron, Biden kid/Ivanka tie, trump Jr., Eric.

Thats a pretty dumb point/example though, what has it got to do with the fact that none of them should be in charge of government anything. What point are you trying to make? What do these two old dudes kids have to do with any of it?


Well-Known Member
yeah, it was a big snore fest. Hardly anyone got killed.
Right? It is almost like the fact that Roger Stone was a direct link between WikiLeaks who was working with the Russian military who was attacking hundreds of millions of American citizens to help Trump cheat his way into the presidency in 2016 is not being force fed to the Trump cultists by their propaganda channels, so it doesn't actually matter to them.

Either that or these potential domestic terrorists who brand themselves (wrongly) 'Patriots' are such sheep that when their cult leader says something completely self serving like 'No Collusion' they are so programmed that they are willing to disregard any actual information so they can ignore that sick feeling in their stomach that is (correctly) telling them they are being scammed by a cult leader.

Trump was working with the Russian military to brainwash conservatives to cheat in our elections, which is a crime. And he got caught because he is a idiot and hired crooks and con men who are also idiots and they got him caught when they started bragging about their ill gotten gains prior to the 2016 election.
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Well-Known Member
Tiffany, baron, Biden kid/Ivanka tie, trump Jr., Eric.

Thats a pretty dumb point/example though, what has it got to do with the fact that none of them should be in charge of government anything. What point are you trying to make? What do these two old dudes kids have to do with any of it?
I'm not asking what they should be in charge of in govt. I'm asking would you trust them over Hunter to watch your kid. The answer is apparent. It's a matter of trust since everyone seems to attack Trump. I think his kids turned out fine. Hunter, not so much. They're crooks pal. The whole family is enriching itself on Joe's power/influence.


Well-Known Member
I'm not asking what they should be in charge of in govt. I'm asking would you trust them over Hunter to watch your kid. The answer is apparent. It's a matter of trust since everyone seems to attack Trump. I think his kids turned out fine. Hunter, not so much. They're crooks pal. The whole family is enriching itself on Joe's power/influence.
Of course you think Trump's kids turned out fine, you are a disingenuous propaganda troll selling Trump's lies.

Hunter is not out there trying to tear our nation apart with some bullshit insurrection so that daddy can keep them out of jail. Trump's little spoiled brats have been doing just that. The Trump's are traitorous pieces of shit that have time and again been proven as con's that are more than happy to rip off vulnerable Americans. It is not even close. Biden's kids are far more respectable, even when Hunter is flat on his ass high as shit, than Trump's brood.


Well-Known Member
I'm not asking what they should be in charge of in govt. I'm asking would you trust them over Hunter to watch your kid. The answer is apparent. It's a matter of trust since everyone seems to attack Trump. I think his kids turned out fine. Hunter, not so much. They're crooks pal. The whole family is enriching itself on Joe's power/influence.
You dont have any kids methigan. Never will. Your barren wife cooked her womb with meth. Ditto your flaccid cock

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I'm not asking what they should be in charge of in govt. I'm asking would you trust them over Hunter to watch your kid. The answer is apparent. It's a matter of trust since everyone seems to attack Trump. I think his kids turned out fine. Hunter, not so much. They're crooks pal. The whole family is enriching itself on Joe's power/influence.
I'll take my chances with Biden the Trump family are proven grifters
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