Is Biden really that bad?

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I think Clinton would have been a great POTUS, and Biden's kid just died.

I think that the right wing propaganda machine that was leaning hard on the anti-Clinton spam may have had a big impact in how you feel about her.

No I never really liked her to begin with and was not impressed with her when she ran against Obama in the 2007 primary. They were implicit in some really nasty stuff.

Here in Portland Obama held the largest rally ever on the waterfront. The line to get in stretched around the downtown area for about 100 blocks. The place was jammed. The river was jammed with boats as well. I didn't even bother getting in line. For some reason Bill Clinton was here. He was in a car and rolled down the window to ask what was going on. Apparently when he was told it was due to the Obama rally his eyes went huge. I'm sure he knew at that point that his wife didn't have a chance.

Portland is Obama country.

i watched it live actually, maybe they were chanting "lets hang, mike pence" or maybe youre fucking retarded idk
You must be physic to be able to tell who is who. Antifa can dress just like MAGA if they want. I bet they even had some rebel flags.

Careful with the retard label, there's a lot on here.
No I never really liked her to begin with and was not impressed with her when she ran against Obama in the 2007 primary. They were implicit in some really nasty stuff.

Here in Portland Obama held the largest rally ever on the waterfront. The line to get in stretched around the downtown area for about 100 blocks. The place was jammed. The river was jammed with boats as well. I didn't even bother getting in line. For some reason Bill Clinton was here. He was in a car and rolled down the window to ask what was going on. Apparently when he was told it was due to the Obama rally his eyes went huge. I'm sure he knew at that point that his wife didn't have a chance.

Portland is Obama country.

Obama was next level for sure. But Clinton I would rather have had Clinton in office when it came to Russia fucking with our nation's democracy. Obama dropped the ball on that hard. And as much as it sucks to say it, Romney was right about that too.
Other than a geriatric nightmare, he's useless and succumbing to Dementia. There were better choices, much, much, much better!
Exactly. Trump is fucking broccoli. You know, super good for you, very healthy, tastes pretty good, etc. Lol.

And green, don’t forget.

trump wouldn’t put broccoli on his burger.
Obama was next level for sure. But Clinton I would rather have had Clinton in office when it came to Russia fucking with our nation's democracy. Obama dropped the ball on that hard. And as much as it sucks to say it, Romney was right about that too.

Romney is a decent man. I've spent quite a bit of time in Salt Lake. I was really surprised at the amount of Obama supporters there. Even those that chose the other side didn't hate Obama like they do in other red states.

It's just really hard to go backwards like we have after Obama. And it pisses me off. I watched my father cry after Obama was elected and I cried myself. I remember that moment when the election was called. I'll never forget it. And now look where we are. It sickens me.
Romney is a decent man. I've spent quite a bit of time in Salt Lake. I was really surprised at the amount of Obama supporters there. Even those that chose the other side didn't hate Obama like they do in other red states.

It's just really hard to go backwards like we have after Obama. And it pisses me off. I watched my father cry after Obama was elected and I cried myself. I remember that moment when the election was called. I'll never forget it. And now look where we are. It sickens me.
It sickens me too. I just make sure to lay the blame for this correctly, and it is not Clinton's fault. She warned us time and again of so much that ended up being true about Trump, even the Russian military attacking our democracy to help get him elected.

There is only one party attacking our democracy using the racist/chauvinist/xenophobic/classist propaganda with the help of foreign dictators, and that is the Republican party.

I am just glad we got it right in 2018 and 2020. Biden and the Democrats are doing as good of a job as anyone could do in the current situation that our nation finds itself.
Another thing about having Biden as President is that trump no longer has that platform to preach his hate. Hate is all trump has. This guy, that guy, they're bad. It's not because of you it's because of them. Pure hate speech and trump had 4 years at the biggest platform on the world stage to preach it. No wonder the world hates us more than they ever have.

The Republicans need to push back. Most are not that stupid to follow trump but they're scared to speak out. The radical right has completely hijacked the party. It's almost as bad with the Democrats as well. The extremes on both sides end up hijacking things by being more vocal and in your face which to moderates is really unappealing but it gives rise to many voters just going with the flow. The more cash you have and the more dirt you have leads to winning elections.

The process sucks as so much money is flowing in. It takes maybe $100,000 to buy a seat in many cities. Large companies pretty much control elections in cities they're located in. Pay to play. That's politics in America today.
Another thing about having Biden as President is that trump no longer has that platform to preach his hate. Hate is all trump has. This guy, that guy, they're bad. It's not because of you it's because of them. Pure hate speech and trump had 4 years at the biggest platform on the world stage to preach it. No wonder the world hates us more than they ever have.

The Republicans need to push back. Most are not that stupid to follow trump but they're scared to speak out. The radical right has completely hijacked the party. It's almost as bad with the Democrats as well. The extremes on both sides end up hijacking things by being more vocal and in your face which to moderates is really unappealing but it gives rise to many voters just going with the flow. The more cash you have and the more dirt you have leads to winning elections.

The process sucks as so much money is flowing in. It takes maybe $100,000 to buy a seat in many cities. Large companies pretty much control elections in cities they're located in. Pay to play. That's politics in America today.
I disagree. Trump just lost his ability to use the Executive office to spread his propaganda. It didn't do shit to stop the propaganda trolling that was what got him elected in 2016.
I disagree. Trump just lost his ability to use the Executive office to spread his propaganda. It didn't do shit to stop the propaganda trolling that was what got him elected in 2016.

You're correct. He's still out there grifting at his rallies and ranting about how the election was stolen. He's pure garbage and a bigger threat to our democracy than China or terrorism. He's still actively undermining our elections. I don't wish him any ill will but he's probably committed offenses that should put him in a Supermax prison for the rest of his life and I wouldn't complain.
Not since FDR has a POTUS inherited such a world of pure shit as what was handed to him by Trump & the GOP.
Maybe he was put into the WORST situation imaginable ever facing this country, the COVID-19 virus.
It's only 8 months into his presidency & I think he's doing fine, even with McConnell doing everything he can to make him fail.
He'll do fine in the long run I think, if he gets help from the GOP.
We shall see.

the media is frantic because they've been Trumpified and they're passing it on to us..everything is fine Jim and BOTH bills will pass. we've gone back to working the way we always have behind closed door and not another episode of ChopperOne..relax:hug:
You're correct. He's still out there grifting at his rallies and ranting about how the election was stolen. He's pure garbage and a bigger threat to our democracy than China or terrorism. He's still actively undermining our elections. I don't wish him any ill will but he's probably committed offenses that should put him in a Supermax prison for the rest of his life and I wouldn't complain.

he needs a platform (and cheering audiences/followers) to continue his hate. he wrote to Twitter to restore him because his 3 months have been up and you can see how much they want to go back to that because they haven't.
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