Is ice really unhealthy?


Well-Known Member
i am a thrill seeker and like to live dangerously...... i am gonna go drink some purified water. call me a bad boy i guess.


Well-Known Member
ok as for the whole ice in the bong idea the reason people say that its bad is because of the density of the smoke it will cary water vapors from the cooling ice into your lungs and this is BAD! Thats the cause of pnuemonia water in the lungs! Now this is all up for debate but thats the logic water is not bad for you distilled or not its where the water is going your lungs is not where you want it!


Well-Known Member
I heard swallowing small amounts of saliva over long periods of time can cause cancer, you guys think its true?


Well-Known Member
you can die from drinking too much water but i doubt you can from having ice in the bong. everything is fatal over a long enough time frame.


Well-Known Member
dont do ice....i like using hot water... the vapors coat ur throat....feels awesome

Are you serious thats more out of the ordinary than ice! If you are even remotely serious do explain. . . has anyone else tried it?


Well-Known Member
well, the only logical thing i can see out of this is that when you use ice, it cools the hit letting you inhale more smoke at once, so that's definitely worse for you, but that's smoke being unhealthy with ice as an aid, not ice being the unhealthy part