Is it a male?!?!?!?!


Active Member
cant really tell i mean watever that is dosent look like a ball to me maybe new set of leaf growing in, better pic would be helpful


Active Member
hey cant really tell yet man how long have u had it on 12 n 12 for?? but it looks preety good so far!!!

GBG staff....


Well-Known Member
It's too early to tell, as there are no preflowers in those pics. Also, as beginnerbloomer mentioned...lay off the nutes. They're waaay to dark colored, and also showing lots of nute burn. With that sized pot that you're using, they wouldn't have needed much fert yet, at most, one or two light feedings(1/4-1/2 strength). Back off on the fert, and they'll be looking good in a week or two. They'll also be showing preflowers in the next week or so, so keep the pics coming. :)


Thanks everyone it's only been on 12/12 for a few days yea I'll ease up on the nutes I guess I was just buggin to soon.