Is it a POSER move if someone gets a Bob Marley tattoo who NEVER smoked?


Active Member
My brother is getting a Bob Marley quote on his chest. He says he really "likes" the quote, it has "good" meaning. But he is totally anti-drugs, anti-smoking, anti-anything. Never tried em, never will.

...So, my question, is it a poser move? I believe, personally - every/most quotes from Marley came through/from smoking, he was/still is the leading voice in the marijuana movement. Thus, I believe you should have to smoke in order to represent the leader of smoking, Mr. Marley.

EDIT; Rephrase, you should have to had AT LEAST tried smoking bud. At the least...

(compliments of lobster for the recognition lol - quote "herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.")+rep


Active Member
Good observation. Maybe I should have rephrased, is it a poser move on him, not everyone in general. After all, this is the same big bro. that started listening to Marley this past month (but hated growing up) lol, an the same brother that doesn't even know how Marley died, more so, that he was even in a band, not solo. Lol.


Well-Known Member
whats the quote exactly? either way, his message was about love so no it wouldnt be a 'poser move' to quote marley without having smoked. why do you believe every quote of his came from weed? you have that shit twisted around. yes he has lots of weed quotes, but he lived in jamaica, what do you expect?. you dont need marijuana to love someone...


Active Member
Yeah, I guess I should have posted the quote, would of made more sense, I'm kind of irritate with it really.
"Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction."
The thing is, he's drank before... but not smoked, so it doesn't make any sense too me how this relates to him?

I would know, since everytime he comes over, he doesn't smoke weed with me lol.

As for saying all his quotes came/through marijuana (whether true or not) it was more of an expression that a large percent were. Excuse me. =)
& I the way I know is because I've watched a lot of Marley material (footage, books, etc)
Like you said... it's Jamaica man! Lol.
whats the quote exactly? either way, his message was about love so no it wouldnt be a 'poser move' to quote marley without having smoked. why do you believe every quote of his came from weed? you have that shit twisted around. yes he has lots of weed quotes, but he lived in jamaica, what do you expect?. you dont need marijuana to love someone...


Active Member
if the person did it JUST TO DO IT then yeah poser

but if this person can tell you the meaning behind it or atlease why they got it instead of I DONT KNOW?


Active Member
I haven't actually asked him yet. He hits me up on Facebook an says I'm getting this quote on my chest I'm sure you'll know who it is. Then sends the quote, then I got disappointed, but didn't want to be a dick, so I just said cool. He doesn't know but maybe 5 songs, so I'm sure he doesn't even know why he's getting that damned tat. I was just thinking that, the only way to know herb is the healing is to have SMOKED.
if the person did it JUST TO DO IT then yeah poser

but if this person can tell you the meaning behind it or atlease why they got it instead of I DONT KNOW?


bud bootlegger
man, that is tough, at first i wasn't going to say it was dumb of him to get it, but then you put the quote up there and if you say the dude never ever at least smoked, not even once, why would he even want that quote on him??
that is just beyond dumb to me...
now, i'm not the hugest marley fan, but i do like the songs of his that i know well, like say no woman no cry, and a few other bigger hits of his, and i've been smoking the ganj for over 20 years of my life, and if i saw that quote, i really wouldn't know it was a marely qoate, and just think it's dumb.. sounds like a tool move to me, and i'm not really down w/ quote tatts to begin with.... if i'm trying to bang say a chic, i'm not going to be in bed bored and say and sit there and read her tatts and say, boy, that is really cool quote.. who the fuck has time to sit there and read gay ass tatts to begin with..
but i don't know why you;re so upset about it're not the one who is going to look like a total wanker, that would be you're brother.. so let him.. who cares.. it surely isn't goint to make him look cool or what ever it is he's going for........


bud bootlegger
and i also do know that he died of i think it was like brain cancer or some shit i think it was, and come on, who hasn't heard of the wailers??


Active Member
Lol, good point(s).
I'm usually one to brush things off especially with family.
It just annoyed me because I've been trying to get that fucker to smoke with me for years & he always talks shit, calls me a doper.
Wtf? A doper? Where I live, dope is fucking meth, not weed.
I could understand if he got a 'love' quote, but even then, I cannot understand because he's never been in love. Lol.
Guess I'll just have to give him shit about it when I can. Aha.
man, that is tough, at first i wasn't going to say it was dumb of him to get it, but then you put the quote up there and if you say the dude never ever at least smoked, not even once, why would he even want that quote on him??
that is just beyond dumb to me...
now, i'm not the hugest marley fan, but i do like the songs of his that i know well, like say no woman no cry, and a few other bigger hits of his, and i've been smoking the ganj for over 20 years of my life, and if i saw that quote, i really wouldn't know it was a marely qoate, and just think it's dumb.. sounds like a tool move to me, and i'm not really down w/ quote tatts to begin with.... if i'm trying to bang say a chic, i'm not going to be in bed bored and say and sit there and read her tatts and say, boy, that is really cool quote.. who the fuck has time to sit there and read gay ass tatts to begin with..
but i don't know why you;re so upset about it're not the one who is going to look like a total wanker, that would be you're brother.. so let him.. who cares.. it surely isn't goint to make him look cool or what ever it is he's going for........


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I guess I should have posted the quote, would of made more sense, I'm kind of irritate with it really.
"Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction."
The thing is, he's drank before... but not smoked, so it doesn't make any sense too me how this relates to him?

I would know, since everytime he comes over, he doesn't smoke weed with me lol.

As for saying all his quotes came/through marijuana (whether true or not) it was more of an expression that a large percent were. Excuse me. =)
& I the way I know is because I've watched a lot of Marley material (footage, books, etc)
Like you said... it's Jamaica man! Lol.
oh, well then if he drinks but has never smoked, and THATS the quote, then thats just straight up retarded no matter if its a bob marley quote or not. lol its ok, i just wanted to get through that hes not just about the herb. :)


RIU Bulldog
It sounds like he just likes the quote. You might be a little jealous ;P
Ever think of getting your own tattoo?


Well-Known Member
here is a lesson i learn about tattoos from watching tv


Well-Known Member
If he likes the quote then he likes the quote. He doesnt have to commune with the dead spirit of Marley to have the right to get it tattooed.

However, I would guess that he is angry with someone or some people that drink rather than the smoking part if he never smoked. I cant figure out why someone who didnt smoke would get a tattoo like that. But then again I cant understand why people get tattoos.