Is it bad to bring plant outside during the day


Active Member
i dunno but i did it with my first set of plants and they turned out fine just watch bugs and that sort of crap.. you dont wanna walk out there only to find some prick of a bug has eaten all your plant, that would suck.


Well-Known Member
I would absolutely never under any circumstance bring plants outside from an indoor setup!!!! You can get bug infestations without doing this, so why would you want to increase the likelyhood of this happening? You have holes for drainage in pots? What can crawl in that way than get on the rest of your beauties? Than your mother? There is also the issue of some strains possibly not dealing with real sunlight so well after being under artificial light. Not to mention unfriendly prying eyes maybe seeing this, wow, no fing way!!!!

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
I dont have holes in the bottom I only have one plant it seems to be fine out side i will take pics soon and see


Well-Known Member
Alot of us take plants in and out during the colder months. Just make sure you keep a consistant light regime


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I take my plants outside and back in.

Like Boneman says, keep a good light schedule.

My plants that go outdoors and come back in at night will EXPLODE with new growth, I love the Sun!!!

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
Yeah U would think the sun is the best kinda light for plants
For the world that was created :P my plant really enjoys the sun than my lights
Cheers bros Shes doing fine xD

Some places in the world are different
my first plant looked like this and i had no pest control
only my brother stealing bud
