Is It Freezing In This Compost Tea Or Is It Just Me?

OK so aerated compost tea needs to be used almost imediately to keep it from going anerobic. What if the fresh tea was bottled and put in the freezer.

Would this stop the tea from becoming anerobic.

Would the tea still be viable after it was thawed.

I would love to get everyones input/opinion on the matter.


Well-Known Member
Well, if you look on the internet, you'll see people that say you can freeze the tea. You'll also find midgets fucking horses.

Elaine Ingham, the mistress of actively aerated microbe solution warns against it...


"Scott said -
Supposing I want to keep some of the tea so I can spray it on the diseased
leaves 5 to 7 days later, will it still be OK if I strain some tea into a 20
litre bucket and keep it aerated with an aquarium aerator during that time?
What about the temperature? The nights are beginning to get cold (7 to 10

Elaine said -
Don't strain it, ok? The fungi get strained out too. Keeping the tea cool
helps slow growth down, and keeping the tea aerated means you keep the good
guys growing. I'd add a little fungal food on day 2, and 4 just to keep the
fungi happy. Don't let the tea freeze, ok?

Hope this helps!

Elaine Ingham
President, Soil Foodweb Inc."