Is it just me or is BHO where it's at?


Well-Known Member
Burning butane results in co2 and water vapor. In limited oxygen environments, it can also produce carbon(soot) and carbon monoxide. Not in very high levels, either. If it was toxic to burn butane, we'd all be dead from using bic lighters.

There's your chemistry.

You DO know butane is a gas, and even though it comes out liquid, it doesn't "solidify" it boils off into a gas at room temperature.


Well-Known Member
No you guys just like to spray it out and let it solidify THEN smoke it. lol
You're smoking butane GLUE guys lolololololol
there is something like 1000 times less butane in the one use of a lighter than in one drag of that oil.
Might as well just leave the weed out of it lmao.
Haha, I get it, you're trolling...almost had me for a second there...good one, mate!


Well-Known Member
Wow... I don't smoke a can of butane when smoking a dube lol the amount coming out of the lighter is very negligible in comparison to your oil which uses how many CANS?
And no it doesn't all evaporate lol Ever sprayed some other surface with a whole can and waited for it to dry? There is a lot of residue left behind.
Just narsty...
and you can't just "incinerate" fuel particles without a product coming off of it.
Maybe you guys need some chemistry lessons? Butane
From that link:
Reactions and uses

When oxygen is plentiful, butane burns to form carbon dioxide and water vapor; when oxygen is limited, carbon (soot) or carbon monoxide may also be formed.

By spraying butane directly into the throat, the jet of fluid can cool rapidly to –20 °C by expansion, causing prolonged laryngospasm.[SUP][2][/SUP] "Sudden Sniffer's Death syndrome", first described by Bass in 1970,[SUP][3][/SUP] is the most common single cause of solvent related death, resulting in 55% of known fatal cases.
Looks like as long as you don't huff it it's harmless...burns as carbon dioxide and water vapor if it has adequate oxygen.


Well-Known Member
Ummm I guess this may sound um a little different but I know how to roll annnnd pack a bowl. Made bubble hash once from trimmings...thats bout it. Have another batch of trimmings (fire) ready to go. This bho stuff is sounding verrry very interesting. Mom just rolled J's lol. Times like these...feel like I missed the memo.


Active Member
Alright smoke your dirty fuel "honey" oil. Thinking all that "oil" comes from your weed only. Just saying Not my thing and NO it's not your best option.


Active Member
You're one to talk?

Penis penis penis penis penis penis penis bagel
Which is only one example of your stupidity.

Unless you have something other than a copy and paste to say:
Metasynth said:
Burning butane results in co2 and water vapor. In limited oxygen environments, it can also produce carbon(soot) and carbon monoxide.
Shut up copy and paste.

Metasynth said:
We'd all be dead from using bic lighters.
There's your chemistry.
What you're saying is the same as if one would say
Some Retard who doesn't know anything said:
"Well there are cars everywhere and we ain't DEAD YET from that - So sucking on an exhaust for a bit would be ok, but just to get high."
You guys probably make your hash out of rubbing alcohol too?
Think you understand chemistry copy and paste? Copying and pasting is for links. You need to repeat shit in your own words to understand it.

Here, Try to keep up, short bus.
Important Psilocybin Cubensis Nutrients Thread
by Yours Truly.


Well-Known Member
You were doin the same shit snakebyte, quoting articles and books. whats the diffrence if you copy and paste? Besides the fact that you probably saved alot of typing time pasting...don't get mad just cuz your wax is shit. get you a purge vac and try again


Well-Known Member
No point in arguing with ignorance fellas. Leave that putz to his own thoughts. Gotta love trolls....even RIU is not immune.

I personally love the fact that it takes so little oil for such a large effect, the buzz itself is better, and the high lasts a very long time. When I smoke some bho & bud in my bowl before bed, I wake up still high the next morning....cottonmouth and all. I don't even hardly have any inclination to smoke for 4-5 hours after I get up when I'm usually toking along with my morning coffee, so I notice that I smoke significantly less and I also notice that I drink a lot less alcohol as well. Kind of a nice byproduct there....BHO for me is kind of like taking a benzo medication in the way it effects me. Just a really mellow yet intense and long lasting high...truly the best the cannabis plant has to offer in my humble opinion.


Active Member
You were doin the same shit snakebyte, quoting articles and books. whats the diffrence if you copy and paste? Besides the fact that you probably saved alot of typing time pasting...don't get mad just cuz your wax is shit. get you a purge vac and try again
I paste links to what I'm talking about as Reference, like a Citation. Do you know what that is?

A citation is proof I don't talk from my ass. <--- Definition in my own words.
Citation <--- The proof through citation

Unlike those who don't post sources and repeat shit word for word and try to make people think they came up with that info all on their own.
I don't take word for word because I know how to properly articulate my thoughts, unlike some people who copy and paste. Need more sources and examples or do you finally understand?
Bottom line, butane oil no matter how wax or purge vacked it IS as bad as NAPHTHA hash.

You can get that "wax" from the butane without even using weed.
News flash! It's not the weed that makes the "wax" you're smoking. Leave the weed out of the equation and it looks the same only more yellow. I seen crackheads who couldn't get enough money SMOKING butane in bottles off plates. WITHOUT WEED.

Like I said, smoke your butane swag, while I have some classy grain oil made with consumable grain alcohol.

not to mention it's impossible to attain 100% thc unless you are doing this in a vacuum sealed clean room.
well these guys don't seem to know too much, math included.
As Kif isn't even 100% thc and there's nothing added to that yet lol
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