Is it O.K. to chop buds without hanging?


Active Member
Hello RIU members, I was wondering if anyone knew if it was ok to cut my buds from their stems to put on a tray to dry right after harvest. I don't have a lot of room to hang colas to dry, and was wondering if I just chopped the buds up right after harvesting the colas and set the out to dry this way if it would matter that I didn't hang them from their stems first. Thanks in advance for any helpful ideas/info.



Well-Known Member
Cut branches and hang them upside down for a few days, than cut the buds from the branches and put in a paper bag in a very dark and cool place for a few days, depends on the size of the buds. There are canaboids in those stems it needs to drain down into the buds after harvest. I also put the stems in the paper bags and then the jars until the stems are totaly dry and break in half before I ever discard them.


Well-Known Member
I've dried bud on paper plates before and it eventually smelled great. Not recommending this but failure to hang your bud isn't going to make it smell like hay.


Active Member
you will be fine.I know someone who does this and there bud is stinky and looks good (not squished) he says the trick is just move it around.


Active Member
Thanks for all of the replies everyone. Much appreciated. I think I will do my best to hang for 2-3 days, and then cut buds from stalks and put them into turkey roast tins to finish drying for another 4-6 days before jarring.