is it ok to eat shrooms wet

just got a eighth they dont come around here often n they always been light colerd n dry this time there almost black n still wet anyone else get em like this are they ok to eat wet i know morel mush. have to be cooked but do trippin shrooms have to be dry:sad:


Active Member
How do they smell? If they smell rotten then don't eat them. Are the black from the spores they dropped on themselves? Or are they rotting? You can eat shrooms wet, they are actually more potent that way. If you're not sure you can always try and make tea. Strain the mushies out and throw them away afterwards.


Active Member
They are fine to eat wet, so long as they are fresh, but if you are buying them by weight and they are not completely dry, your being had, unless theyre free. Shrooms are 90% water. They can be darker if theyre not dried. They should also have some purple coloring and bruise purple if you squeeze it. In my opinion(after growing them for a year) I would not every buy wet shooms from someone unless I was familiar with the crop and knew the person, in other words, I only would buy fully dried, or pass, unless the deal is too good. But an 1/8th wet wouldnt phaze me and would probably piss me off as a waste.

Hopefully, you dont have such a tolerance to them as I did, which made me bored with growing them. And keep in mind, Im baked and rambling a little. I found a great new haze today and it is glorious.


Active Member
How do they smell? If they smell rotten then don't eat them. Are the black from the spores they dropped on themselves? Or are they rotting? You can eat shrooms wet, they are actually more potent that way. If you're not sure you can always try and make tea. Strain the mushies out and throw them away afterwards.
oo, good point, if they show signs of spores, they are less potent. You want them harvested before they make spores.
:peace:wow i would love to grow them i grow weed inside n out for years n here in p.a. this is only the second time in a year i could get them my tol. is 4 trips n eight n yeah i knew i was gettin had on weight but it was 5 without the bag to make up for wetness there most of the way drybut still mushy lol n no they dont smell rotton not really any smell to me thanks for the advice guys ill rep ya n what about the growing of them any place you could send me to learn any tips:wall:
no i dont think the spores have droped most are smaller than usual too dime size caps n nickel size 1/8 inch round stems:peace: yeah got some good smoke today myself never get any named weed round here let alone haze enjoy that shit man:-P


Well-Known Member
its like going down on a girl only totally different and has nothing to do with that but as long as there a purplish color and smell of Psycilibin you should be okay. although Red Devils are way smaller and have a red-orange and white color (not like animita muscaria).those are fucking great though. ahhhhh sweet memories!

sorry for rambling. im so Baked!


Active Member
Some people find eating them wet a vile experience. Hell some people hate the taste dry. If you want to get them dry fast and easy the rest of the way, go to walmart, or home depot, and in the bathroom area there is a product called damp rid. Its a desiccant that helps reduce odors and such. the larger size jug of it comes with a black basket that sits inside, above the desiccant, and can still be sealed :D It would dry my crop in a day or so from harvested wet to fully dry. If you do that, at least you will know how much you are consuming, if you care. If it was just 5, no big deal. If they dont smell funky,go for it. Even dried ones have a smell to them, its similar to the taste, but its usually mild.

Growing them was sooooo easy. My setup was under $100, fit in a 25 gal rubbermaid, and yielded an ounce and a half dry a week. But that was years ago.
see mescaline in your name hows that compare to shrooms ive always had lsd n shrooms are sort of new to me only a few trips compared to the hundreds of trips on lsd ever have those geltabs around 1999
Some people find eating them wet a vile experience. Hell some people hate the taste dry. If you want to get them dry fast and easy the rest of the way, go to walmart, or home depot, and in the bathroom area there is a product called damp rid. Its a desiccant that helps reduce odors and such. the larger size jug of it comes with a black basket that sits inside, above the desiccant, and can still be sealed :D It would dry my crop in a day or so from harvested wet to fully dry. If you do that, at least you will know how much you are consuming, if you care. If it was just 5, no big deal. If they dont smell funky,go for it. Even dried ones have a smell to them, its similar to the taste, but its usually mild.

Growing them was sooooo easy. My setup was under $100, fit in a 25 gal rubbermaid, and yielded an ounce and a half dry a week. But that was years ago.
wow i can wait till they air dry here i guess if not tom. night there gettin ate by me n the ole lady shell have one more than me lol but on a scale of 1-10 how hard r they to get started to grow? n were,s a good starter guide THANKS for the knowlage :grin:


Well-Known Member
no i wish i had sum gelcaps before though. hahaha. and ive never had pure mescal yet but i feel the time drawing near for that to change. its cool that you like shrooms as one of your first psychdelics but my advice is to just dont overdue it and do it in safe situations. ive had alot of friends that could handle there lucy very well, but when it came to shrooms its just a different world. there a fun psychedlic but can turn on you at any time and its normally extremely unpleaseant.
yes very true my 1st time i thought hell if i eat 2 hits of lsd when i do it i,ll eat this whole eighth here needless to say i was in the woods hiding n it turned me off of them for awhile lol but really they never come around here this is only the 5th time i think n im 30 been in the scene since i was to young to be 13-14 weed 16 lsd we used to get sheets for 200 used to be a shit pile of that but i havent seen it but once since 2001 does it still exsist??:wall:


Active Member
Ive always found shrooms much milder and more natural feeling than acid, but I enjoy acid more because I like to push the edge a little when it comes to hallucinogens. Shrooms give me the giggles, and breathing walls, moving textures, and a general feeling of wellbeing, whereas acid can much more easily turn me anxious or uneasy about something. But shrooms sometimes make me a little nauseous. Depending on what climate you are in, air drying isnt always a good idea as they can rot quickly. Id either eat them soon or dry them for sure.

As for growing them, you can get everything you need at walmart and ace hardware, or something similar. Of course, you can get fancier and more automated and costly, as with any project. Back in the day, I picked up some knowledge at the I think its still around. the difficult part is getting spores. it used to be nice and easy, but not so much these days.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
:peace:wow i would love to grow them i grow weed inside n out for years n here in p.a. this is only the second time in a year i could get them my tol. is 4 trips n eight n yeah i knew i was gettin had on weight but it was 5 without the bag to make up for wetness there most of the way drybut still mushy lol n no they dont smell rotton not really any smell to me thanks for the advice guys ill rep ya n what about the growing of them any place you could send me to learn any tips:wall:
:leaf:thanks guys anyone have any experences they,d like to share we have big rock quarrys round here n once on lsd we threw a bunch of glow sticks in the water( bad idea to litter we wer young n dumb) n hung them from the trees that was neat looking theres also a tunnel inbetween 2 quarrys 40ft with a littls 2ft stream in the middle with a fire place a cave big enough for a 18 wheeler with firplace n one when it rains alot it fills with about 6 in of water it feels like driving around a lake lol