is it possible to go over the buding time of my plants???

I started my plants indoors like in jan- feb. than i put them outside in a geenhouse around the end of march. my plants started flowering right away they were looking real good the colas were geting big and full, but now they are starting to open up and some of the pods that are closer to the main branch is starting to dry up and looking brown what should i do?? should i just let them do its thing or did i mess them up?? SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well.....what i belived happend is that when you put them outside in march, there was still about a 12/12 light schedule. So your plants started to flower. But then the summer time is commin and the days are getting longer, so the plants stopped flowering and tried to grow agian. In order to flower correctly, the plant needs 8-10 weeks of 12/12 lighting ( 12 hours in light, 12 hours complete darkness)

Current grow

Last grow - finished 1.5LBS


Well-Known Member
ummmmm....welll you can try to flower them agian however, they could possible turn hermie ( turn into a hermaphrodite)..sometimes when you mess with the lighting schedule, the plant thinks something is wrong, so it tries to pollinate itself, to save it's genetic line so to speak.. you could still get descent bud, it will just be full of for personal use it is ok, but it doesn't have much bag appeal
well they look good still im thiking that they might even turn out bigger buds on the main stems, but iv had bad experiences wit hermies before and that would be a waste!! i want to pull them and hang them but now that they r stating to re flower they seem to have open up and they r not full colas they seem like they would be small little nuggs.
thanks bro!! hey send me your info im a man of my word i have some sky walker send it thru private message. ill shoot u a taste let me know what u think!