Is It Possible To Tell The Differnce From A Male Seed And Female Seed


Well-Known Member
I guess the confusion is that a female plant that produces pollen sacs is a hermi. If there is a difference please show us cuz I think thats what the confusion is on.
that is the point. People keep misusing the term hermaphrodite. A female that produces pollen pods is NOT a hermi, it's a female. It is not a "true" male flower. It is only a pollen pod. The plant still only has female genes. A hermaphrodite has both male and female genes and produce both "true" female and "true" male flowers. If you use pollen from a hermy you will get male and female seeds. If you use pollen from a female pollen pod you get only female seeds because there are no male genes present.


Well-Known Member
no femals have big fat swolen clits and males have swinging dicks not sticking straight out like a pencil eraser like yours
im out


that is the point. People keep misusing the term hermaphrodite. A female that produces pollen pods is NOT a hermi, it's a female. It is not a "true" male flower. It is only a pollen pod. The plant still only has female genes. A hermaphrodite has both male and female genes and produce both "true" female and "true" male flowers. If you use pollen from a hermy you will get male and female seeds. If you use pollen from a female pollen pod you get only female seeds because there are no male genes present.
Hmm. Say I have a female plant get pollen sacs 6 or so weeks into flowering would this make it a female that is producing feminized seeds or a Hermi? Sry for asking so many question:dunce: but just like this

there is alot of bs on the web:-P "thump-thump" muhaha i can see people listening on a table rollin seeds.. ..priceless


Active Member
i wonder if all these people claiming it is BS have actually tried the method on 100 seeds to see. obviously this isnt 100 percent. but if you're someone with a whooole shit load of seeds maybe it would give you a BETTER chance at getting females than just randomly picking them. I just doubt the bunch of people that came in here claiming is bs has ever tried it...they probaly all buy fem seeds LOL


i wonder if all these people claiming it is BS have actually tried the method on 100 seeds to see. obviously this isnt 100 percent. but if you're someone with a whooole shit load of seeds maybe it would give you a BETTER chance at getting females than just randomly picking them. I just doubt the bunch of people that came in here claiming is bs has ever tried it...they probaly all buy fem seeds LOL
I have to ask if it wouldn't be 100% how would this help seeing you have a 50/50 chance to get a male and female? maybe you'll say you got 70/30 female and I would say luck of the draw picking from a pile that is 50/50... if this was 100% they would sell seeds labeled female and not say feminized because this is the only way i know to get female seeds for sure. O and I do buy feminized seeds. I don't want to waste weeks waiting to sex just for my plants to be 6 males when I can only have 6 plants :-P


The Way To Find Out If This Is True Or Not Is To Check The Female Seeds Baught Off The Net ...
I checked and each seed has a different black "volcano" shape on it but they do roll:-o Havent listen for the thumps lol but I dont want to alarm my wife ha.