Is it ready to flower?

OG Wizard

Simple question is it ready to flower?
all comments are welcome, its my first grow.

the fist pic is of my grow,
second is the green monster on the left,
the third is of the exotic on the right,
and the fourth is of the stem of the exotic,

they are 4-5 weeks old =)




Well-Known Member
and also put the top lights a bit lower cause your plants look like there droopin or its just growing towards the closer light


Well-Known Member
they have been growing 4-5 weeks since beginning of october
They are very small if you have been veg for 4-5 weeks. I have to ww growin that are nearly 4 weeks check them out click on my sig. I would not put into flower yet tho:weed:


The babies look green and growing! :leaf::-P

Should definitely consider moving the further light a bit closer, allow for some more veg time to pop a couple more nodes if you have the room, and beef up the stem a bit more with some air circulation. (all mentioned before, just wanted to second/third those notions ;P)

Flowering at this point with only 2 plants would give you a yield which you might consider to be unworthy of all that time, especially when compared to what you can yield giving the two ladies a couple more weeks! Gluck!

1 ~V~

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
you can flower it now but u wont get much ... id w8 another 6-8 weeks to get a higher yeild ... the longer u veg the bigger the plant, the bigger the plant the more bud youll get, but when u flower the plant will probably double poss. triple in size so make sure you dont w8 to long or they will get to big to contain, it all depends on your situation, if u have alot of room in your grow room then let them veg for another month atleast

OG Wizard

thx guys i really appreciate all of your help! growing is so fun and I love being apart of this site. everyone is super helpful and ive definitely learned alot. ive decided to veg my plants for another two weeks and hopefully get bigger yields. ive never grown before so i have no clue on what i should expect. would i get less than an ounce off each or is it more like 2-3 zips per plant? i just really dont know what to expect. thanks guys. :leaf:


Not even close my friend. Get those girls 1.5ft tall if you can. Remember, that once they flower they will double in size (at most). You are going to have very small plants and a small yield if you flower now.