Is my GrapeGod ready to transplant ?


Active Member
And do I always water after transplant ? I have before but Im still a novice grower .. Havent seen a harvest, yet.


- thchead


Well-Known Member
No problem... No you don't "have" to flush... If you start to notice nute burn, stress, lock outs, build ups, etc. then you may want to flush, but if you got green healthy growth and your ph is all good IMO you're golden! :-P:weed:


Well-Known Member
I water a little before and after transplant and pack the soil a lil bit so it keeps some structure and stays together, rather than trying to transplant dry and crumbly soil


Active Member
Yea thats exactly what I was doing. Before and after .. Im happy I bought some new planters today .. they told me 5gal . Nice & durable but I might go in a different direction , not sure .. maybe 11 gl trashcan .. And I thought I didnt have to flush but wanted to be safe , my gf was telling me I should and I told her not to worry but never hurts to ask... Thanks again for the quick responses ... I will be updating my grow with pics in about 45min if you want to check things out .. Still into my first and into my second grow

See Link Below for first grow .... - THCHead