Is my plant healthy?

Hey guys this is my first time on rollitup and my first time growing weed. I have a plant 11 days old and growing pretty well. The first fan leaves are a lot higher than the other bottom leaves. Is that normal? Also I have a light fan that cycles through to strengthen the stem. I'm using a light I found at walmart that said full spectrum so I've been using that. My plant tilts torward the light and if I didn't reburry it, it would probably be 6-10 inches tall. Also there is starting to be very very tiny white and orange dots on the leaves, is this mold? Thanks guys!! Someone tell me how to post a picture


Active Member
Hey guys Also there is starting to be very very tiny white and orange dots on the leaves, is this mold? Thanks guys!! Someone tell me how to post a picture
if the white dots came first then they are possibly fresh spider mite damage
the orange dots came a day or so later - older damage
your leaves will start to yellow and claw downward next if so

look under your leaves - the damaged ones - and look for tiny brown or red specks or waxy white little balls

if not that.... more info or pix please

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