Is my plant herm?


Active Member
if i'm seeing right then yes, i think it is. i think i see a couple balls on there plus pistils, which means hermi sorry dude


Well-Known Member
idk man, i cant tell ....its ugly as hell but it looks like it may be hella dank. look for pollen sacks. they will be wide open near the bottom on the stems. check the main stalk. otherwise, squeeze that big fat ball and see if its soft or hard. soft is good. hard, pull it off and see if theres a seed in there....


Well-Known Member
its either mad sativa or revegging ...perhaps something else im not aware of ...
Pollen pods don't hav seeds in them, but if it is hermi u can cut its nuts off and repeat if they return and you'll still get budz unless ur afraid of it pollenating others


Active Member
I ended up cuttin the sacs off....... It was only on 2 stalks and it was feminized it was a clone off a mother plant