is my plant to tall


Active Member
my plant is about two weeks old and its about 5 inches tall its first two round leaves have fallen off and now the first set of real leaves one is a little ripped and the other is fine but they are both somewhat a lighter green than the other small 4 or 5 is this a problem?


Active Member
naw dude like i dont have a camera but ill try i mean they arent yellow but they have dark spots ( like a darker shade of green no black or brown ) what do you think it means


Well-Known Member
Are you giving them any nutes yet?
What kind of soil are you using?
How often do you water them?
What is the water pH at?


Active Member
im not giving thwm nutes yet
i have miracle grow
and i spray them once a day
just enought where the soil is a lil dry the next day
and then under and above the leaves
and im not sure what water ph is

ohh and what kind of nutes should i give them


Well-Known Member
stop spraying the actual plants, they are too small to actually use any of the water you spray on them


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm.... well as joker said, you def don't need to give them any foliage water yet and it sounds like you may be giving them water a bit too often as well. Remember that the soil should be dry all the way through before you water again - maybe get a moisture meter from your hw store and use it to see if it's still moist near the bottom of the plant and not just at the top.

Also, it's risky growing in that MG soil as it has time-released nutes in it - that may be what's causing problems to your lower leaves too... maybe think about transplanting them soon into bigger pots and changing from that MG soil to a promix or something without nutes already in it. I use straight Promix (already has perlite in it) but you can get some good natural potting soil at a gardening store. Check to make sure it has no nutrients in it already like the MG does... that will allow you to add your own nutes and control it better.

As for what nutes to use, I just went to a local hydroponic store and found some veg nutes and flower nutes - basic stuff, nothing fancy. The store clerk can help you find what you need - there's a large number of brands to choose from, but just get something simple to start. I'd recommend the one i'm using, but i've only used it for 2 feedings so far so I dunno... and it's just called 'Super Plant' which I think is just a plain veg nute that my grow guy had.

Oh and as for the pH.... you can get a pH water testing kit from any pet store. Get one and test the water you're giving them. If it's tap water you're using, it may have a high pH (above 7.0) which you will want to decrease by getting some pH down solution from your hydroponic store as well... it's well worth it. Bring the pH down to about 6.8 and you should see a difference in your plants. Once you've done this, you can test the soil pH by testing the water that comes out the bottom of your plants after watering. You can also lower the pH in your soil by adding dolomite lime to your soilmix which will neutralize the pH (7.0 is neutral) from wherever it's at right now...


Active Member
ok is there any nutes i can find around the house because i dont want to buy the nutes in the store right now.
and what does ph stand for and also is there anything else i could use to lower the ph