is my plant wilting and dying?

chongo bongo

Active Member
As you can see the left plant seems a little droopy compared to the right. The left one has been growing a little faster than the right plant. So I'm not sure if its just too heavy for it but the top smaller stems are also droopy. So I'm not sure what to do here. Any help?:eyesmoke:



Active Member
id say ur over watering them let the soil dry the top layer is only part of the soil

that is ur ph?
and r u feeding them yet ?

remove the tin foil and use emergency blankets if u can

chongo bongo

Active Member
Not sure on the ph. I just started feeding them. I just looked at it again and its doing a lot better. Why no tin foil?


Active Member
Overwatering...the pots you're using are similar to what I'm using (assuming they are 3 gallons) and I used to water my plants only once a week when they were that size...cut back on the watering and get a moisture meter. One of those you stick in the ground is what I'm using, it has 2 metallic poles you stick in the ground and it displays moisture/ph. Otherwise just use your finger, stick it into the soil about 2-3 inches and if it feels moist, let it sit for another day or 2 and then water well.

Contrary to popular belief, you shouldn't let the soil dry completely (bone dry is not good), but keep it moist. Water circulation is very important and must be kept consistent. I found that my girls were happier and grew better when keeping the soil moist all the time. That, however, doesn't mean overflooding. Let us know how yours should see a change in about 1-3 days, depending on how much water you gave them the last time.

And by the way, don't feed them more than once a week, and use no more than 1/4 of the strength advised. If they don't get leaf burn tips, then add a little more fertilizer to the next watering. Depending on what nutes you're using, you have to use them every watering (for the low-quality brands), and once every twice or third watering for the best ones. Just check the dosage and keep it lower than they say at first(because your plants are still young), and you should be fine :)

chongo bongo

Active Member
I've only fed them once. And I did a 1/4 of a dose. I went and checked on them again and its doing a lot better. Idk what the deal was.


Well-Known Member
What are the temps? plants can go limp and lazy like this if its too cool, im thinking this is what happened and when it warmed up the plant got its vigour back.


Well-Known Member
You don't want to use tin foil because it doesn't actually reflect much light, and that's if it's 100% smooth from the box with no wrinkles. Once it wrinkles it's even worse at reflecting light. Tin foil also absorbs a lot of heat, so if you take it out (depending on how much you have in there) your temps should go down a little bit. A piece of plain white printing paper is better for light reflection than tin foil, or just flat white paint. Emergency blankets are great and not that expensive, they reflect a great amount of light and easy to use.


Well-Known Member
np, I started off with aluminum foil myself lol. We only had these little square sheets used for food prep so we had to tape a ton of them in our closet lol. 2 days later we ripped it all down and my wifes uncle gave us some Panda plastic to hang up. If you want a cheap solution get some Killz flat white paint/primer. It's flat white which will help with reflecting light, and it's an ani-mold agent. That way you don't have to worry about mold as much. That's if you can paint the area you are growing in lol.