Is Obama a big Liar or just a Dummy?


Well-Known Member
yea I know all thsoe things. I was wondering what you thought he actually has done. You said he accomplished Some. What? was it closing gitmo? no. He did "neccesarily make energy prices skyrocket" so kudos there. Anything else? Oh gay marriage. wait he said he was against that though.
Ah. "what were those some things?" wasn't really a clear question.

I support his decision to gas DADT. I like the fact that he presided over Bin Ladens death. I think he has done a decent job of not allowing the economy to spiral down the shitter after the turd sandwich that Bush left him.

Admittedly, the list isn't very long


Well-Known Member
You asked if a politician is a liar...




What, are you fucking TWELVE or something?


Well-Known Member
Obama is just a big pussy. I just watched an interview where the white house spokesperson for Al-Aryria Television in the middle east has said that, "those friendly nations no longer see him as a person of strength and power and that the enemies of those middle eastern countries that are friends of the US see him as a weak leader and no longer fear him or the response of the US". Thanks Obama, now everyone thinks the US is a bunch of pansies. The last 20 years of ass kicking striking the fear into those who oppose us is flushed down the drain. Now you suck and your a pussy, do something right for a change.


Well-Known Member
Obama is just a big pussy. I just watched an interview where the white house spokesperson for Al-Aryria Television in the middle east has said that, "those friendly nations no longer see him as a person of strength and power and that the enemies of those middle eastern countries that are friends of the US see him as a weak leader and no longer fear him or the response of the US". Thanks Obama, now everyone thinks the US is a bunch of pansies. The last 20 years of ass kicking striking the fear into those who oppose us is flushed down the drain. Now you suck and your a pussy, do something right for a change.
So if he attacks
he is a war monger
And if he doesnt attack
he is a pussie


Well-Known Member
I am now convinced that he is simply a lying buffoon, he is making himself look worse than Jimmy Carter.

Shameful ineptitude.:leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
They are all crooks, taking turns ( whether that is every 4 years or every 8 years ) fleecing the United states of America. Plain and simple. There will never be enough outrage in this country to turn the tide until, one day, there is a coup from our military. Don't hold your breath.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I bet you were PISSED when Bush lied us into Iraq, weren't you? I bet you were calling him a feckless piece of shit and talking about impeachment, weren't you?

Didn't the statute of limitations on throwing the "it's all bush's fault card" run out a couple of years ago?

Anyway....Looks like Barry is just as much of a warmonger as the Frat Boy George was, eh?


Well-Known Member
O'Bomber is gonna drop bombs because his cheerleader John Boehner says so. And of course John McCain wants to invade the entire planet, while at the same time have Mexico invade us. So if democrats and republicans are hungry for war, then who is going to stop them?



Well-Known Member
Obama is just a big pussy. I just watched an interview where the white house spokesperson for Al-Aryria Television in the middle east has said that, "those friendly nations no longer see him as a person of strength and power and that the enemies of those middle eastern countries that are friends of the US see him as a weak leader and no longer fear him or the response of the US". Thanks Obama, now everyone thinks the US is a bunch of pansies. The last 20 years of ass kicking striking the fear into those who oppose us is flushed down the drain. Now you suck and your a pussy, do something right for a change.
Yeah, cos your quick and glorious victories in Iraq and Afghanistan showed us all what "ass-kickers" you are...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, cos your quick and glorious victories in Iraq and Afghanistan showed us all what "ass-kickers" you are...
You know what would of made us look strong?

Not invade Afghanistan
Not Invade Iraq

We should of just waited until we had good intel on bin ladens location and then Dropped 80-90 Fuel air explosives on the surrounding 10 miles of where he was at. He would of been dead. And there would of been a charred area you could see from space.

Now that is fucking power

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
You know what would of made us look strong?

Not invade Afghanistan
Not Invade Iraq

We should of just waited until we had good intel on bin ladens location and then Dropped 80-90 Fuel air explosives on the surrounding 10 miles of where he was at. He would of been dead. And there would of been a charred area you could see from space.

Now that is fucking power
Fuck Ya....Now your talking.....


New Member
You know what would of made us look strong?

Not invade Afghanistan
Not Invade Iraq

We should of just waited until we had good intel on bin ladens location and then Dropped 80-90 Fuel air explosives on the surrounding 10 miles of where he was at. He would of been dead. And there would of been a charred area you could see from space.

Now that is fucking power
is thermobaric your new catch phrase? :dunce:


Well-Known Member
You know what would of made us look strong?

Not invade Afghanistan
Not Invade Iraq

We should of just waited until we had good intel on bin ladens location and then Dropped 80-90 Fuel air explosives on the surrounding 10 miles of where he was at. He would of been dead. And there would of been a charred area you could see from space.

Now that is fucking power
And THAT would seriously make the US look "the shit".

This whole failed-invasion angle repeated ad nauseum makes you look like fucking pussies tho, I honestly don't think the US could beat Russia/China anymore, before for me it was a certainty.

Ill still move there someday, I like Americans but your foreign policy is completely retarded.


Well-Known Member

They suck up all the local oxygen when they go off just like Rob Roy

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You know what would of made us look strong?

Not invade Afghanistan
Not Invade Iraq

We should of just waited until we had good intel on bin ladens location and then Dropped 80-90 Fuel air explosives on the surrounding 10 miles of where he was at. He would of been dead. And there would of been a charred area you could see from space.

Now that is fucking power

Almost. Except when you char a 10 mile area around the intended target, other people that are NOT the target, innocent people, are likely to die or be maimed. Wouldn't that be murder?


Well-Known Member
Almost. Except when you char a 10 mile area around the intended target, other people that are NOT the target, innocent people, are likely to die or be maimed. Wouldn't that be murder?
Nope, it's been rebranded..."Bringing Democracy"


New Member
You know what would of made us look strong?

Not invade Afghanistan
Not Invade Iraq

We should of just waited until we had good intel on bin ladens location and then Dropped 80-90 Fuel air explosives on the surrounding 10 miles of where he was at. He would of been dead. And there would of been a charred area you could see from space.

Now that is fucking power
Last time you had solid information on UBL pre-911, 'billy couldn't push the button* - at least not the one that would've prevented 9/11...